Reviews: "Presentation" Context

-Eu38u08EeSKeyIACwQXPg Very interesting presentation. Thank you! Very interestingPresentationThank you! Positive0.881.01.011.18
-Eu38u08EeSKeyIACwQXPg Very boring presentation. Far too much 'buy my book/go to MY website'., in it. If he did that in a RT University he would be hauled over the coals. Some interesting points made but most of the information given was from other's research. A little less self-promotion and a little more work, combined with less boring presentation would move it up to 4* Very boringPresentationFar too much 'buy my book/goNegative-
-Eu38u08EeSKeyIACwQXPg Very boring presentation. Far too much 'buy my book/go to MY website'., in it. If he did that in a RT University he would be hauled over the coals. Some interesting points made but most of the information given was from other's research. A little less self-promotion and a little more work, combined with less boring presentation would move it up to 4* more work, combined with less boringPresentationwould move it up to 4*Negative-0.850.01.011.18
-Eu38u08EeSKeyIACwQXPg This course is for you if you love dogs, and/or are interested in the science of animal behavior. Dr. Hare's presentations are interesting, informative and fun. I loved his use of scientific studies, videos, and Russian history (yes!) to get his points across. His book (optional) and the dog games (also optional) only add more depth to his lectures, but don't feel you need to buy the book and/or the can take the online course and do just fine (but hopefully you'll want to read more, and participate as a citizen scientist, after taking the online course!). I will recommend this class to my canine_enthusiast friends, as I found Dr. Hare's class to re-evaluate how I look at the thought processes of dogs. This course is time well-spent! science of animal behavior. Dr. Hare'sPresentationare interesting, informative and fun. IPositive0.891.01.011.18
-Eu38u08EeSKeyIACwQXPg LOVED the course, ENJOYED the learning! Great video presentations by Dr. Hare … easy to engage, and wonderful to have the flexible fit into my schedule. Keep up to good work. Would like to know more about how the "Certificate" is issued. Keep getting opportunity to pay for the certificate on screen, even though I did that at the start of the course. LOVE the book as well … thank you for providing such great tools.course, ENJOYED the learning! Great videoPresentationby Dr. Hare … easy toPositive0.981.01.011.18
-qKIDPnAEeS1QCIACy-KcQ You will have to make a Scratch account (free) for this course. Areti is a very clear instructor that explained concepts very well for complete beginners into programming, like myself and I found the course insightful. 1) Presentation - I couldn't help but wonder whether they had a lower target age (teenagers or younger) in mind, which was entertaining at some points but also distracting at other times. // Also, I only realized halfway through the course that it is in fact possible to see what Areti is doing on the Scratch program once the quality of the video is adjusted. 2) Projects/Time Commitment - Going through the lectures and quizzes are not time consuming at all, but the projects (especially the final project) takes a lot of time. It took longer than expected because I felt like much of the practical instructions on how to use Scratch for specific purposes were not provided during the course, leaving me to work by myself. 3) Discussion Forum - When I took the course, the discussion forum was close to being dead (especially compared to some of the other courses that I was taking simultaneously on Coursera). Gerry (mentor) did an amazing job responding to my inquiry, but I noticed that although there were a lot of students talking at the beginning, introducing themselves, there weren't that many discussions concerning the final assignment, making me feel like I was working alone. It would be great if there was more time to work on the final project, and perhaps a way in which students can collaborate and help out others when faced with a bug (ie preliminary project submission and feedback session). I recommend taking this course, but realistically, you won't be program proficient after 5 weeks. You will, however, learn some basic programming theory, understand how programming works, and learn how to make a fun interactive game on Scratch!I found the course insightful. 1)Presentation- I couldn't help but wonderNegative-0.990.51.031.2
-qKIDPnAEeS1QCIACy-KcQ Very helpful course for anyone who plans to use any form of programming. Helps you to wrap your head around the terms and their meaning. I have found having taken this course as being helpful now that I am taking a course covering JavaScript. The instructor on this course is EXCELLENT with presentation and is enjoyable. The class demands a lot of hands-on time, but is fun if you enjoy solving problems and making things work. on this course is EXCELLENT withPresentationand is enjoyable. The class demandsPositive1.
1eYewVu-EeWACQpGR_316w The content is very good but the lecture presentation and structure could use improvement. Assignment instructions are not as clear as they could very good but the lecturePresentationand structure could use improvement. AssignmentPositive0.810.00.690.84
1eYewVu-EeWACQpGR_316w Excellent organization and presentation of the course material, and very prompt responses from the teaching staff on the message boards. Excellent organization andPresentationof the course material, and veryPositive0.911.00.690.84
1eYewVu-EeWACQpGR_316w The course is a very good overall description of the Perception field. The part I really liked is that there was no haste or a concept just superficially discussed - lectures are long and detailed. The presentation of lectures especially from Prof. Jianbo Shi are excellent - to represent Matrices in colours and give a intuitive sense of every formula(especially the Jacobians and treating the image blending process as painting) . The bad part of this course is that pronunciations of faculties could be a little unclear and hence a very good transcript is required - which in this course is not upto the mark. There were few mistakes on the slides and should be rectified atleast in the pdf of the slides. What this means is that we have to go through some frustration while watching the video first time which gradually improves on second or third view. Also, there is absolutely no participation of teaching staff. A good content should be supplemented with assistance to further enhance learning experience. Few doubts because of this remains unclear and I wish I could have got this sorted in this class.lectures are long and detailed. ThePresentationof lectures especially from Prof. JianboPositive0.630.00.690.84
1eYewVu-EeWACQpGR_316w I dont like how this course was presented. The professors are good but the way how they present the course is extremely inefficient. I mean, because the instructor only speaks moving hands from one side to other, it was very difficult to visualize what and where the instructor was referencing to. Eg. a figure with 3 formulas and many variables there was no way to know in what alpha variable in formulas the instructor was talking about, once all formulas had the alpha variable. Also, when trying to describe a 3D environment only moving hands, its quite impossible to determine what and where the instructor is. One suggestion to try to minimize this problem would be try to use a lase pointer or a stick or a pen or something similar to help the student to now where the instructor exactly is. One example of good presentation is the course of ML from Andrew Ng where he writes all the things while speaking which facilitates the student to follow the sequence. Hope this can help.exactly is. One example of goodPresentationis the course of ML fromNegative-0.620.00.690.84
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw This is a really straight forward, practical presentation of valuable information every professional will have to deal a really straight forward, practicalPresentationof valuable information every professional willPositive0.750.51.021.1
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw very good and interesting presentations and I like the tone, style, and clarity of the teacher very much very good and interestingPresentationand I like the tone, style,Positive1.
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw I would give this lecture a three because it is a very independent and useful course, but I feel like the presentation skills could have been improved upon and found the information very dry. I really liked the intent and where she was going.It was easy to follow and complete, although there was something missing for me.course, but I feel like thePresentationskills could have been improved uponNegative-0.970.01.021.1
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw Quizzes could have been harder. The presentations were great. Took back a lot from this short course. Quizzes could have been harder. ThePresentationwere great. Took back a lotNegative-0.660.51.021.1
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw Love this course. Nice presentations and video lectures. Would love to see more reference materials in future. Thanks to the team, which helped me to realize where i stand, and where to focus in "time management and professional productivity". Love this course. NicePresentationand video lectures. Would love toPositive0.990.51.021.1
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw An excellent presentation with concise contents An excellentPresentationwith concise contents Positive0.961.01.021.1
1ndQqNPxEeSloiIAC3kKUw Very poor course. Not at all academically rigorous. Just a bunch of common sense statements. Instructor's presentation style borders on condescending.bunch of common sense statements. Instructor'sPresentationstyle borders on condescending. Negative-0.98-
2y_2_3REEeWKsgrp3VnvAw This course is unlike all the others. Although you will need information gained in the previous nine modules, the Capstone Project requires you to work on a long and difficult problem using your own initiative. Mentors, tutors and Swiftkey employees are lacking throughout this project. I worked through many different R packages to generate the word prediction N-Grams because R has a tendency to run out of memory. Many students are forced to use a cut down version of the three million lines of text because of memory issues but I managed to find the proverbially needle in the R packages haystack that allowed me to use the entire dataset! I had problems with publishing the presentation to RPubs - it just would not work using either RStudio or RConsole but at least I had a fall back position of placing the presentation on my own website. It took me three attempts to complete this project, nine months (Jan-Sep 2016) and about 300 hours in total, I didn't give up so nor should you, you can do it! And Good Luck! Hope to chat with you on the Data Science Specialism LinkedIn Group for Completers! Finally was it worth paying for all of the certificates. Yes, it was!I had problems with publishing thePresentationto RPubs - it just wouldNegative-0.941.00.891.07
2y_2_3REEeWKsgrp3VnvAw This course is unlike all the others. Although you will need information gained in the previous nine modules, the Capstone Project requires you to work on a long and difficult problem using your own initiative. Mentors, tutors and Swiftkey employees are lacking throughout this project. I worked through many different R packages to generate the word prediction N-Grams because R has a tendency to run out of memory. Many students are forced to use a cut down version of the three million lines of text because of memory issues but I managed to find the proverbially needle in the R packages haystack that allowed me to use the entire dataset! I had problems with publishing the presentation to RPubs - it just would not work using either RStudio or RConsole but at least I had a fall back position of placing the presentation on my own website. It took me three attempts to complete this project, nine months (Jan-Sep 2016) and about 300 hours in total, I didn't give up so nor should you, you can do it! And Good Luck! Hope to chat with you on the Data Science Specialism LinkedIn Group for Completers! Finally was it worth paying for all of the certificates. Yes, it was!fall back position of placing thePresentationon my own website. It tookPositive0.711.00.891.07
2y_2_3REEeWKsgrp3VnvAw As a capstone to a series of courses that covered data science and R, I found this one to be a bit lacking. There was no involvement from the professors at JHU or the folks at SwiftKey. As was mentioned in another review, the course feels abandoned. All you get a few short (two minutes or so) videos that give you little in the way of instruction or direction. Basically, they just say, "Go do this. Good luck!" There were also no Mentors or TAs to guide students or answer questions. It was the students helping each other through the forums. Sometimes it was helpful and everyone involved learned something. Other times, it was the blind trying to lead the visually-impaired. On a positive note, you will use all of the skills from the previous courses: writing R functions, performing exploratory analysis and publishing it via RPubs. Your final product will be displayed for everyone via ShinyApps and a presentation using R Presentation (also published via RPubs). On a(nother) negative note, the topic of Natural Language Processing is not an easy one to just walk into and feel confident in providing a working next-word prediction algorithm in about eight (8) weeks. You're reading academic journal articles, watching multiple videos from another Coursera course (which actually focuses on the topic of NLP, and takes place over several courses and several months!). Supposedly, there is work going on to update the course, so hopefully future students will get a better experience. I did take a bit away from this course, especially since I made more than one attempt to complete it. However, it was definitely a shock to find myself missing those things that one typically finds in a learning environment -- descriptive background, assistance to problems, etc. -- and seeing that I was for all intents and purposes on my own. Even in the professional world of data analysis, I have never experienced the lack of support that I found in this course. With that, I am giving it three (3) stars. As I said, I did learn a bit, but it was a bit of a struggle that required multiple attempts to complete. This would have been better off as a stand alone topic (which it already is by another Coursera affiliated school), or having a capstone course that builds on a topic more in the wheelhouse of the JHU professors: a capstone project focusing on bioinformatics or biostatistics would have been amazing in comparison to this.for everyone via ShinyApps and aPresentationusing R Presentation (also published viaPositive0.730.00.891.07
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Good presentations. Enjoyed the lectures, good information, and good illustrations and maps. I'm grateful to have this opportunity to learn about this period. Phillip Zelikow takes you through the history through time zones, while visiting various ideas and happenings around different parts of the world, and how they are interconnected. I would like to see some reading material for further understanding (not just suggested books). Overall, I would recommen GoodPresentationEnjoyed the lectures, good information, andPositive0.910.50.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ I just audited this course for the fun of it with an interest in seeing patterns from the past in order to understand our present. I enjoyed the presentation and the professor's thematic approach and his relaxed conversational presentation style. I feel like I got exactly what I hoped to get out of it. I particularly found his use of images from the various countries and time periods helpful and memorable. understand our present. I enjoyed thePresentationand the professor's thematic approach andPositive0.991.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ I just audited this course for the fun of it with an interest in seeing patterns from the past in order to understand our present. I enjoyed the presentation and the professor's thematic approach and his relaxed conversational presentation style. I feel like I got exactly what I hoped to get out of it. I particularly found his use of images from the various countries and time periods helpful and memorable. thematic approach and his relaxed conversationalPresentationstyle. I feel like I gotPositive0.751.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ A great course on predominantly the western course of history from 1760 to 1910; one that focuses on ideas and movements that shaped the world, not a course that focuses on western history for reasons of eurocentrism alone. Where the course is eurocentric, it is so by necessity, a symptom of a well-balanced, well-structured course that strives for an approach that poses questions in an earnest and truthful manner. The professor who runs this course is a highlight. His voice and presentation style makes the course that much easier to enjoy. I hope to later follow him and pay attention to his external writings and insights, even in my time beyond studying this online a highlight. His voice andPresentationstyle makes the course that muchPositive0.941.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Very good, concise, relevant and with an excellent presentation. Gives you the big picture on history and also offers an insight in the decision making that shaped world history. Also it offers a big picture, focusing not only on Western history, but on China, Africa, India, Japan, Latin America and the Muslim world. Excellent!concise, relevant and with an excellentPresentationGives you the big picture onPositive1.01.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ An awesome course, great lectures, neat presentation. I actually binged through it! An awesome course, great lectures, neatPresentationI actually binged through it! Positive0.941.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Very interesting and intriguing, quizzes are a bit hard because they cover so much material so if you are a working individual I feel it's almost impossible to accomplish but it's nice for general knowledge. Two notes- First, it would be nice if the professor wouldn't use "get yourself comfortable" in the beginning of EACH video - it is a bit annoying. Second, on quizzes & tests it's recommended that you omit the sentence "in the presentation" that starts EVERY question/quizz/test because obviously it is based on what we are presented in the videos so it's just time consuming, in my opinion. Besides that, great for general knowledge, awesome teacher, I really enjoyed this course, thank you!omit the sentence " in thePresentationthat starts EVERY question/quizz/test because obviouslyNegative-0.710.50.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Excellent insight, clearly understood broad presentation of ideas. Excellent communicator, this was by far the best course I have taken in Coursera. Excellent insight, clearly understood broadPresentationof ideas. Excellent communicator, this wasPositive0.741.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Nice material and it presentation! Thank you ! Nice material and itPresentationThank you ! Positive0.721.00.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ Being a professor as well (though in computer science), I know how hard it is to get the full attention of the students. I congratulate Prof. Zelikow for his achievements. This course has capture my attention and I was eager to watch the next presentation. I learned a lot and I just have a single point (actually a suggestion), which is that each module should finish with a list of literature for those seeking more info on particular topics. Apart from this, a well balanced course. Not easy to put together stuff about 250 years of History. was eager to watch the nextPresentationI learned a lot and IPositive0.920.50.391.21
3UY0FCmGEeWFggqB2SRvtQ I think the course is interesting, but very general. The lecturer is very good and all presentations are clear. There is a lack of references and links to self-study.lecturer is very good and allPresentationare clear. There is a lackPositive0.990.50.391.21
3Vo3Am1LEeWMPAqsmzmVew The course is fine in the content. As usual, the presentation from Brian Caffo is rather rushed and stumbling. A better presenting style would improve the course no end, but ultimately, what is covered is what you need. I generally just avoid the videos and read the the content. As usual, thePresentationfrom Brian Caffo is rather rushedPositive0.720.00.70.95
3Vo3Am1LEeWMPAqsmzmVew This is a very useful course in the Data Science Specialization that teaches us how to present the results of our data analysis using Shiny, Slidify and other R based data presentation tools. It also introduces open source charting APIs that we could use in our data analysis applications.Slidify and other R based dataPresentationtools. It also introduces open sourcePositive0.711.00.70.95
3Vo3Am1LEeWMPAqsmzmVew In general, an excellent course, taught by competent professors. I believe that in the main this course does very well in achieving its objective of knowledge transfer. However, having experienced it, there were parts where the professor was demonstrating a topic using a video presentation showing him operate a process or screen sequence on his computer. These aspects, like virtually all the material on this course, are of a technical nature and contain many important details. As such, to help complete and re-enforce their learning, students require something like a sequence of slides that they can print out and retain for revision and future reference. In certain parts, the provision of the printable screenshots in the form of slides was absent. An important theme of the course and Data Science in general is "Reproducible Research". What I'm arguing for here is, "Reproducible Learning Materials" covering a complete course, not only parts of it. Admittedly, it was only a very small proportion of the course that suffers from this defect. But I would not like it to become the norm in the future. As a suggestion, it could be possible to author a lecture using HTML so as to combine the verbatum lecture text with every slide/screenshot image embedded in its right position within the lecture. I notice Coursera courses have also moved away from the weekly lists of individual lectures together with their links to .txt, .mp4, etc. files. The new presentation keeps you submerged within the flow within each week's series of lectures. One has to 'click out' in order to watch your progress and then re-enter the lectures at a resumption point. I prefer the previous navigation structure in order to access lectures and materials. Printed learning materials are also important for me, in addition to the video lectures. The latter are of course vital as the medium for the initial exposure of the material.demonstrating a topic using a videoPresentationshowing him operate a process orNegative-0.670.50.70.95
3Vo3Am1LEeWMPAqsmzmVew In general, an excellent course, taught by competent professors. I believe that in the main this course does very well in achieving its objective of knowledge transfer. However, having experienced it, there were parts where the professor was demonstrating a topic using a video presentation showing him operate a process or screen sequence on his computer. These aspects, like virtually all the material on this course, are of a technical nature and contain many important details. As such, to help complete and re-enforce their learning, students require something like a sequence of slides that they can print out and retain for revision and future reference. In certain parts, the provision of the printable screenshots in the form of slides was absent. An important theme of the course and Data Science in general is "Reproducible Research". What I'm arguing for here is, "Reproducible Learning Materials" covering a complete course, not only parts of it. Admittedly, it was only a very small proportion of the course that suffers from this defect. But I would not like it to become the norm in the future. As a suggestion, it could be possible to author a lecture using HTML so as to combine the verbatum lecture text with every slide/screenshot image embedded in its right position within the lecture. I notice Coursera courses have also moved away from the weekly lists of individual lectures together with their links to .txt, .mp4, etc. files. The new presentation keeps you submerged within the flow within each week's series of lectures. One has to 'click out' in order to watch your progress and then re-enter the lectures at a resumption point. I prefer the previous navigation structure in order to access lectures and materials. Printed learning materials are also important for me, in addition to the video lectures. The latter are of course vital as the medium for the initial exposure of the material.. mp4, etc. files. The newPresentationkeeps you submerged within the flowPositive0.960.50.70.95
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA Professor is not engaging at all. Presentation skills are poor.Professor is not engaging at all.Presentationskills are poor. Negative-0.99-1.00.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA The presenter in this course is hard to follow and does not have good slides. She often does not put her bullet points or lists on the slides ( I am a visual learner and she does not provide enough on screen info) She is really uncomfortable and makes it really hard to listen to her talk. She struggles through the entire presentation which is just super distracting. Content is good She struggles through the entirePresentationwhich is just super distracting. ContentNegative-0.88-0.50.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA The content of this course is very good. However I feel it is unfortunate that the lecturer did not make an effort in preparing the presentation of the material. This makes a huge difference. Especially when it is an online course, the lecturer needs to bring the story to life rather than simply reading with hesitation from the slides in most instances.make an effort in preparing thePresentationof the material. This makes aNegative-0.930.00.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA I think this course could have been more interesting. It was very dry with just slides and majority of the examples were not explained well. Especially the one about the marketing plan was not about plan but about presentation skills. This course content definitely needs update.was not about plan but aboutPresentationskills. This course content definitely needsPositive0.81-0.50.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA The lessons on presentation skills and traditional media should have taken just one one or two minutes, and one or two slides, at most. The details and time invested really had little to do with digital marketing or the digital landscape. The use of the hand-written pros and cons was an unnecessary novelty. Regular bullet text are more readable and technically more reliable. Most of all, the presenter's style was distracting. It seemed that she was unsure of her subject matter and script. I recommend re-scripting and rehearsing the presentation -- before re-shooting it. Finally, with the rapid pace of change in digital, we should not be using reading material more than two or three years old. Five years is tantamount to a generation in the digital world.I recommend re-scripting and rehearsing thePresentation-- before re-shooting it. Finally, withPositive0.88-1.00.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA The instructor needs improvement on her presentation skills. She is just reading off the slides instead of providing more examples and scenarios to help student comprehend the material. I have to retake almost every quiz under her courses. In previous courses, I passed quizzes in one try. Please improve material or get a better instructor.The instructor needs improvement on herPresentationskills. She is just reading offNegative-0.62-0.50.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA Course was pretty boring, repetition of Digital Marketing previous modules, would appreciate it more if the professor did a better presentation!if the professor did a betterPresentation Negative-0.770.00.751.05
5_M54uIIEeSsKCIAC3iEqA This course seems to have interesting content and presentation, but the quiz concerns the materials not covered in lectures or readings (be it required or supplementary). This is totally confusing. seems to have interesting content andPresentationbut the quiz concerns the materialsNegative-0.74-1.00.751.05
6lQZLjVvEeWfzhKP8GtZlQ I did an audit only, but the lectures were excellent for the level of understanding I was aiming for. I thought the analogies were well understood, and the presentations were easy to follow and interesting. Both lecturers made it easy to focus on the material and there weren't many things to distract the learner (i.e. no distracting background or awkward speech). Very well done, I think.analogies were well understood, and thePresentationwere easy to follow and interesting.Positive0.971.00.561.09
6lQZLjVvEeWfzhKP8GtZlQ I really like the company narratives. For this very overview presentation, it would be helpful to see more of these. company narratives. For this very overviewPresentationit would be helpful to seeNegative-0.770.50.561.09
6lQZLjVvEeWfzhKP8GtZlQ Excelent presentation of the many practices used in sorfware development this days ExcelentPresentationof the many practices used inPositive0.671.00.561.09
6lQZLjVvEeWfzhKP8GtZlQ Nice and clear presentation of the topic. Good course for everyone who might want to work with software development. Nice and clearPresentationof the topic. Good course forPositive0.641.00.561.09
6lQZLjVvEeWfzhKP8GtZlQ Good introduction to many core concepts. Overall video and presentation quality are quite good. The course is not particularly challenging, so if you are concerned with time requirements, I don't think you need to worry.many core concepts. Overall video andPresentationquality are quite good. The coursePositive0.650.50.561.09
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w Lucid presentation! Excellent work! LucidPresentationExcellent work! Positive0.971.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w This course gave me the basics about Python. Wonderfull presentation! And I would like to thank Coursera to make this the basics about Python. WonderfullPresentationAnd I would like to thankNegative-0.631.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w A great course to start learning the methods of computer programming and also a perfect platform to revise and re-memorize programming logic and skills. Thank you Dr Chuck for such wonderful presentation and making python learning such a fun. The motivational talks by some of the pioneers in modern day production indulged me to think different and move forward in Dr Chuck for such wonderfulPresentationand making python learning such aPositive0.761.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w easy to understand and no accent in presentation - like itto understand and no accent inPresentation- like it Negative-0.651.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w Easy to understand, clear presentation Easy to understand, clearPresentation Positive0.81.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w I would give the content and presentation 4.5 to 5 stars. I found the platform ok but with some glitches.I would give the content andPresentation4. 5 to 5 stars. INegative-0.780.50.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w excellent format and presentation excellent format andPresentation Positive0.811.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w Great presentation of the material. GreatPresentationof the material. Positive0.631.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w Completely new to programming. This course was easy to understand, but seems to provide complete information to write complex programs if desired. The presentation is concise, so not overwhelmed with unnecessary information or overly long explanations. The professor is engaging for the lectures.write complex programs if desired. ThePresentationis concise, so not overwhelmed withNegative-0.921.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w There is some good material but the presentation seems a bit uneven; some parts are repeated many times at very slow speed while other parts, equally important, barely rate a word. The quizzes can be very searching and you really need to have paid close attention to every word (however quickly or slowly it passed by). I would have liked more practical exercises. The accompanying book is good and I am still looking forward to the other courses in the sequence which move further away from my limited knowledge of some good material but thePresentationseems a bit uneven; some partsNegative-0.680.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w Dr. Chuck is da man! Awesome class. Dr. Chuck touched upon all the nuances of basic Python that most students are too embarrassed to ask about but which are nevertheless mission-critical to effective programming. This capacity to address unspoken concerns both in presentations and assignments is one of the secrets of a good MOOC professor since students can't ask questions. This class is especially useful for those students who just completed's Python class since it explicitly addresses several issues that weren't addressed there. Finally, no one can rival Dr. Chuck's ability to access celebrity programmers whose presence adds an important dimension of context and helps students feel like they already belong to the international community of coders. Job well address unspoken concerns both inPresentationand assignments is one of thePositive0.961.00.841.16
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w 4 stars for: If you are a complete beginner in Programming ,this is really a good point to start 1 star for : the presentation, out of the box knowledge start 1 star for : thePresentationout of the box knowledge Negative-
7A1yFTaREeWWBQrVFXqd1w great study materials and presentation. great study materials andPresentation Positive0.690.50.841.16
a3f86i8hEeWv_w7cMMH1Uw I have taken several classes here and I have to say this is one of the best. As an Introduction, the topics are presented clearly in a concise yet with enough detail to make the course worthwhile and to be able to apply the concepts in the real world or to seek more instruction or reading on the subjects. Michael and Jarred presentations are excellent, well produced, engaging, fun and even elegant. Well done!on the subjects. Michael and JarredPresentationare excellent, well produced, engaging, funPositive1.01.00.881.19
a3f86i8hEeWv_w7cMMH1Uw Hello! I Just started the course, and spell-bounded by the professor's presentations. There can be no better way of spelling out the tough word 'Strategy' in simplest English. Thanks to the providers and best of luck to the participants.course, and spell-bounded by the professor'sPresentationThere can be no better wayNegative-0.751.00.881.19
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow Really like what I have taken away from the course. I felt the presentation of some of the information a bit overwhelming, pure lecture without any visuals. As a suggestion, I think it would have been interesting to hear the presenters talk about their own personal journey/story with respect to meditation, even if it is purely academic without any practical implication for them personally. Many, many thanks!!from the course. I felt thePresentationof some of the information aPositive0.640.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow I'm giving this course four stars because of the ground breaking nature of what is being attempted here. I appreciate its place in the historical assimilation of Buddhism into Western culture. I applaud the diverse and interesting bunch of people brought together to present the course. This despite the mediocre presentation skills of the principal course academics.the course. This despite the mediocrePresentationskills of the principal course academics.Negative-0.740.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow presentation has to be better Presentationhas to be better Negative-0.81-0.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow Good content. MIght want to change up the presentations for variety - add visual aids, etc.MIght want to change up thePresentationfor variety - add visual aids,Positive0.760.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow I enjoyed and benefitted from some of this course. In particular I would highly recommend the Meditation Labs, the Science of Meditation videos and the short presentations from the Tibetan Buddhist monks . But I think the creators of this course need to be a lot clearer about what their aims are in that part of the course which Dr Germano presented. Since this was he was presenting the main overview of Buddhist content it was particularly disappointing that his presentations were so bad. I understand that there were difficulties in getting the course up and running from the various delays in its starting date and the change to its title and perhaps Dr Germano's role was more affected than the other lecturers. However it's pretty damning when he manages to to be so off-putting to so many of the students, going on the discussion comments. For my own part, I've studied and practiced Buddhism for more than 30 years and I am left with little sense of what his aims were for his lectures. To be more specific Dr Germano's Presentation: -he read from what I presume were lecture notes but more likely he was reading from an academic paper. the language was pretty turgid. -he could have just provided a PDF of his paper / notes for us to download. That would have been much more helpful as presumably it would have had some structure to it. doing that would have enabled him to use his video time in a more creative way. -MOOCs are wonderful audio-visual opportunities but he had no slides or illustrations at all. The few text headers which appeared then disappeared in only a very few seconds and sometimes did not relate directly to what he was saying at that time. Dr Germano's content: the amended title was Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. This is a complex subject which encompasses many layers of meditation practice culled from historically earlier Buddhist traditions. Can I suggest that any future version of this course includes the following: -include a video which presents the main aspects of the historical development of Buddhism. There was some mention of this in Germano's material but he did it from the Tibetan point of view. Surely what a modern day presentation needs is a modern impartial historical analysis of the subject. It's not as if there aren't plenty of academics and practitioners who are active in this field. -it's confusing to describe Tibetan Lesser Vehicle practices but then illustrate them with Pali text sources, modern Mindfulness practice, and modern Brahma Vihara practice all of which have emerged from the modern Theravadin tradition. -it's also perplexing to include information about many modern Theravadin teachers (Sayadaw, Goenka) in a course apparently not about them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the videos about Sayadaw and the interview with Sharon Saltzberg, but I am left in the dark about just what differences, if any, there are between them and Tibetan meditation. Overall I think this course was offered prematurely. Much of its content was enthralling, inspiring and very useful practically. However much of it was not. of Meditation videos and the shortPresentationfrom the Tibetan Buddhist monks .Positive0.71-0.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow I enjoyed and benefitted from some of this course. In particular I would highly recommend the Meditation Labs, the Science of Meditation videos and the short presentations from the Tibetan Buddhist monks . But I think the creators of this course need to be a lot clearer about what their aims are in that part of the course which Dr Germano presented. Since this was he was presenting the main overview of Buddhist content it was particularly disappointing that his presentations were so bad. I understand that there were difficulties in getting the course up and running from the various delays in its starting date and the change to its title and perhaps Dr Germano's role was more affected than the other lecturers. However it's pretty damning when he manages to to be so off-putting to so many of the students, going on the discussion comments. For my own part, I've studied and practiced Buddhism for more than 30 years and I am left with little sense of what his aims were for his lectures. To be more specific Dr Germano's Presentation: -he read from what I presume were lecture notes but more likely he was reading from an academic paper. the language was pretty turgid. -he could have just provided a PDF of his paper / notes for us to download. That would have been much more helpful as presumably it would have had some structure to it. doing that would have enabled him to use his video time in a more creative way. -MOOCs are wonderful audio-visual opportunities but he had no slides or illustrations at all. The few text headers which appeared then disappeared in only a very few seconds and sometimes did not relate directly to what he was saying at that time. Dr Germano's content: the amended title was Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. This is a complex subject which encompasses many layers of meditation practice culled from historically earlier Buddhist traditions. Can I suggest that any future version of this course includes the following: -include a video which presents the main aspects of the historical development of Buddhism. There was some mention of this in Germano's material but he did it from the Tibetan point of view. Surely what a modern day presentation needs is a modern impartial historical analysis of the subject. It's not as if there aren't plenty of academics and practitioners who are active in this field. -it's confusing to describe Tibetan Lesser Vehicle practices but then illustrate them with Pali text sources, modern Mindfulness practice, and modern Brahma Vihara practice all of which have emerged from the modern Theravadin tradition. -it's also perplexing to include information about many modern Theravadin teachers (Sayadaw, Goenka) in a course apparently not about them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the videos about Sayadaw and the interview with Sharon Saltzberg, but I am left in the dark about just what differences, if any, there are between them and Tibetan meditation. Overall I think this course was offered prematurely. Much of its content was enthralling, inspiring and very useful practically. However much of it was not. it was particularly disappointing that hisPresentationwere so bad. I understand thatNegative-1.0-0.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow I enjoyed and benefitted from some of this course. In particular I would highly recommend the Meditation Labs, the Science of Meditation videos and the short presentations from the Tibetan Buddhist monks . But I think the creators of this course need to be a lot clearer about what their aims are in that part of the course which Dr Germano presented. Since this was he was presenting the main overview of Buddhist content it was particularly disappointing that his presentations were so bad. I understand that there were difficulties in getting the course up and running from the various delays in its starting date and the change to its title and perhaps Dr Germano's role was more affected than the other lecturers. However it's pretty damning when he manages to to be so off-putting to so many of the students, going on the discussion comments. For my own part, I've studied and practiced Buddhism for more than 30 years and I am left with little sense of what his aims were for his lectures. To be more specific Dr Germano's Presentation: -he read from what I presume were lecture notes but more likely he was reading from an academic paper. the language was pretty turgid. -he could have just provided a PDF of his paper / notes for us to download. That would have been much more helpful as presumably it would have had some structure to it. doing that would have enabled him to use his video time in a more creative way. -MOOCs are wonderful audio-visual opportunities but he had no slides or illustrations at all. The few text headers which appeared then disappeared in only a very few seconds and sometimes did not relate directly to what he was saying at that time. Dr Germano's content: the amended title was Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. This is a complex subject which encompasses many layers of meditation practice culled from historically earlier Buddhist traditions. Can I suggest that any future version of this course includes the following: -include a video which presents the main aspects of the historical development of Buddhism. There was some mention of this in Germano's material but he did it from the Tibetan point of view. Surely what a modern day presentation needs is a modern impartial historical analysis of the subject. It's not as if there aren't plenty of academics and practitioners who are active in this field. -it's confusing to describe Tibetan Lesser Vehicle practices but then illustrate them with Pali text sources, modern Mindfulness practice, and modern Brahma Vihara practice all of which have emerged from the modern Theravadin tradition. -it's also perplexing to include information about many modern Theravadin teachers (Sayadaw, Goenka) in a course apparently not about them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the videos about Sayadaw and the interview with Sharon Saltzberg, but I am left in the dark about just what differences, if any, there are between them and Tibetan meditation. Overall I think this course was offered prematurely. Much of its content was enthralling, inspiring and very useful practically. However much of it was not. To be more specific Dr Germano'sPresentation-he read from what I presumeNegative-0.66-0.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow I enjoyed and benefitted from some of this course. In particular I would highly recommend the Meditation Labs, the Science of Meditation videos and the short presentations from the Tibetan Buddhist monks . But I think the creators of this course need to be a lot clearer about what their aims are in that part of the course which Dr Germano presented. Since this was he was presenting the main overview of Buddhist content it was particularly disappointing that his presentations were so bad. I understand that there were difficulties in getting the course up and running from the various delays in its starting date and the change to its title and perhaps Dr Germano's role was more affected than the other lecturers. However it's pretty damning when he manages to to be so off-putting to so many of the students, going on the discussion comments. For my own part, I've studied and practiced Buddhism for more than 30 years and I am left with little sense of what his aims were for his lectures. To be more specific Dr Germano's Presentation: -he read from what I presume were lecture notes but more likely he was reading from an academic paper. the language was pretty turgid. -he could have just provided a PDF of his paper / notes for us to download. That would have been much more helpful as presumably it would have had some structure to it. doing that would have enabled him to use his video time in a more creative way. -MOOCs are wonderful audio-visual opportunities but he had no slides or illustrations at all. The few text headers which appeared then disappeared in only a very few seconds and sometimes did not relate directly to what he was saying at that time. Dr Germano's content: the amended title was Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. This is a complex subject which encompasses many layers of meditation practice culled from historically earlier Buddhist traditions. Can I suggest that any future version of this course includes the following: -include a video which presents the main aspects of the historical development of Buddhism. There was some mention of this in Germano's material but he did it from the Tibetan point of view. Surely what a modern day presentation needs is a modern impartial historical analysis of the subject. It's not as if there aren't plenty of academics and practitioners who are active in this field. -it's confusing to describe Tibetan Lesser Vehicle practices but then illustrate them with Pali text sources, modern Mindfulness practice, and modern Brahma Vihara practice all of which have emerged from the modern Theravadin tradition. -it's also perplexing to include information about many modern Theravadin teachers (Sayadaw, Goenka) in a course apparently not about them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the videos about Sayadaw and the interview with Sharon Saltzberg, but I am left in the dark about just what differences, if any, there are between them and Tibetan meditation. Overall I think this course was offered prematurely. Much of its content was enthralling, inspiring and very useful practically. However much of it was not. view. Surely what a modern dayPresentationneeds is a modern impartial historicalPositive0.84-0.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow The content of the course is amazingly rich. I've particularly appreciated all the interviews. The science was also very interesting, although at the end (starting from week 4 if I remember well), the result don't seem so convincing. But it is still really amazing. (May I suggest to try to use Machine Learning algorithm to analyze the huge amount of result from the retreat project, they are getting pretty good at facial recognition and analysis.) The contemplative labs were an interesting plus. The only caveats is that, although the content presented by Germano and Schaeffer is amazing (and precious to me), I think they could improve the presentation. I would suggest to consult with a specialist in communication who will be able to point out what could be improved and how. I feel that without that, the communication objective will fail (as reported by most students including myself). Here are a few points I have noticed. Complex background create a distraction, especially when the reading is monotonous, it's preferable to have simple neutral background, like a library. Reading in a monotonous voice is not engaging for the viewer. Dandling around and all sort of gestural distractions don't help us focusing on the content. Sentences are too long and use too many technical words, two things that any communicator will immediately suggest to drop especially if you are targeting a large audience. In one video the background was nice (a forest), yet the noise of the bird were too loud compare to the voice. Plus there was many cut in this video and almost every time the camera had moved from its previous position creating yet another distraction. But don't get me wrong, I have appreciated this content, I just felt that it needed a huge investment from my part to be able to grab it into memory and learn from it. This is the reason why I haven't graded this course with 5 stars. I think that if the speaker could improve this part it would facilitate the students work and improve greatly the overall learning.I think they could improve thePresentationI would suggest to consult withNegative-0.750.50.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow In week 4 of this University of VA course. Course curriculum is structured methodically, backed up by longitudinal research conducted by several of the primary course instructors. Some of the lectures need a bit of work on the presentation side. The covered material and breadth of study is significant and does not lend itself easily to the Coursera lecture format.a bit of work on thePresentationside. The covered material and breadthPositive0.721.00.940.94
aaNxjzc9EeWO-Qq6rEZAow Extremely dry, academic style presentation, could use a LOT of work to make it appeal to others in the future. "Lesser" Vehicle is also considered an insult in many circles. Not a good title for a class. Extremely dry, academic stylePresentationcould use a LOT of workPositive0.65-0.50.940.94
bGZkCuIJEeSqWiIAC0gGHw Again the content and presentation is great. But the web site is getting really annoying, especially in the assignment area. The editor is faulty and on the submission on visualization you cannot use visualizations(!) to make your point due to technical limitations (can't paste charts or screenshots).Sometimes verification does not work. Support is sometimes very good, sometimes useless, depends with whom you chat. Again the content andPresentationis great. But the web sitePositive0.89-0.50.981.16
bGZkCuIJEeSqWiIAC0gGHw Very boring presentation of the material. I am sorry to say so, but the professor is not a very engaging speaker. Very boringPresentationof the material. I am sorryNegative-1.0-1.00.981.16
c9w_wD0cEeS9XCIAC0GF3g Although a bit in-your-face, the presentation is excellent. It combines the clarity of highly visible and easily audible, well-prepared material with a friendly informality. I especially like the paper-and-sharpie technique. Although a bit in-your-face, thePresentationis excellent. It combines the clarityPositive1.01.00.621.39
c9w_wD0cEeS9XCIAC0GF3g great material and presentation, as always. thanks, jim. great material andPresentationas always. thanks, jim. Positive0.981.00.621.39
c9w_wD0cEeS9XCIAC0GF3g Very wonderful course taught in an easy to understand manner. The explanation of the terms and presentation of the ideas were beyond comparison.The explanation of the terms andPresentationof the ideas were beyond comparison.Negative-0.961.00.621.39
c9w_wD0cEeS9XCIAC0GF3g Solid presentation of the material. Left me wanting more. Professor Fowler's enthusiasm is wonderful, and his presentation makes the material come alive. Fowler's enthusiasm is wonderful, and hisPresentationmakes the material come alive. Positive1.01.00.621.39
c9w_wD0cEeS9XCIAC0GF3g Truly excellent and interesting presentation of the topic by a professor who loves the subject matter. Wonderful. Truly excellent and interestingPresentationof the topic by a professorPositive0.981.00.621.39
CEwR00UZEeWb8RJf7Z1H0w Step by Step from scratch. Very good lectures, presentations and explanations given by Prof. Ian G. Harris... Thanks!Step from scratch. Very good lectures,Presentationand explanations given by Prof. IanPositive0.811.00.931.05
CEwR00UZEeWb8RJf7Z1H0w Appreciate the simplified presentation of each topic. Appreciate the simplifiedPresentationof each topic. Positive0.930.50.931.05
CEwR00UZEeWb8RJf7Z1H0w I thought the material was presented at an overly high level and was not particularly useful, particularly in the second half of the course. Add more detail. Furthermore, the presentation style of the professor is not engaging, nor does he address interesting archetypes or examples in his lectures. The early material was fine but again presentation could be dramatically improved. Lastly, the assignments were rather interesting early on but once again quality decreased as the course progressed.course. Add more detail. Furthermore, thePresentationstyle of the professor is notPositive0.77-0.50.931.05
CEwR00UZEeWb8RJf7Z1H0w I thought the material was presented at an overly high level and was not particularly useful, particularly in the second half of the course. Add more detail. Furthermore, the presentation style of the professor is not engaging, nor does he address interesting archetypes or examples in his lectures. The early material was fine but again presentation could be dramatically improved. Lastly, the assignments were rather interesting early on but once again quality decreased as the course progressed.early material was fine but againPresentationcould be dramatically improved. Lastly, theNegative-0.84-0.50.931.05
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ to me as a total newby in the topic the content was really interesting however, its presentation. well. I truly thank the teachers for bringing together the review of all the approaches. but the manner of presentation was so artificial I couldn't help thinking just - when will the real learning begin? without all the silly role plays? again, thanks, I tearned a lot from the course. but I did also struggle through it because of the teachers' manner of presentationcontent was really interesting however, itsPresentationwell. I truly thank the teachersPositive0.650.50.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ to me as a total newby in the topic the content was really interesting however, its presentation. well. I truly thank the teachers for bringing together the review of all the approaches. but the manner of presentation was so artificial I couldn't help thinking just - when will the real learning begin? without all the silly role plays? again, thanks, I tearned a lot from the course. but I did also struggle through it because of the teachers' manner of presentationthe approaches. but the manner ofPresentationwas so artificial I couldn't helpNegative-0.950.50.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Great for new teachers as it gives them the fundamentals of langauge learning theory. Also very good memory refresher and knowledge connector for experience teachers as it is well summarized and integrated presentation of such theories .it is well summarized and integratedPresentationof such theories . Positive0.960.50.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ exceptional....outstanding organization, inspiring, engaging presentation. . outstanding organization, inspiring, engagingPresentation Positive0.971.00.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Excellent presentation, enough information to get a basic idea. ExcellentPresentationenough information to get a basicPositive0.710.50.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Great course. Excellent teachers. Clear presentation. Could apply in my own teaching right a Great course. Excellent teachers. ClearPresentationCould apply in my own teachingPositive0.941.00.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ I really enjoyed the creative way the theories were presented. Some of the presentations seemed a bit repetitive unnecessarily, like in the Angel and Devil debates.theories were presented. Some of thePresentationseemed a bit repetitive unnecessarily, likeNegative-0.870.50.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Great Course. I learned a lot and enjoyed it. Excellent presentations. Dr. Shane has a neat talent that came through in the history vignettes and devil/angel debates.a lot and enjoyed it. ExcellentPresentationDr. Shane has a neat talentPositive1.01.00.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Presentation of information is amazing Presentationof information is amazing Positive0.981.00.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Very happy with the presentation and the material. Thank you! Very happy with thePresentationand the material. Thank you! Positive0.831.00.621.19
d64E7li7EeWylgpjfV1KVQ Great course, great instructors, the presentation of the material is outstanding Great course, great instructors, thePresentationof the material is outstanding Positive0.981.00.621.19
eLzp7w-NEeWPhwrBf2tcNQ somehow I feel the course materials were not prepared well also it was not effective presentation, it was more like a reading a presentationwell also it was not effectivePresentationit was more like a readingNegative-0.910.00.911.01
eLzp7w-NEeWPhwrBf2tcNQ somehow I feel the course materials were not prepared well also it was not effective presentation, it was more like a reading a presentationwas more like a reading aPresentation Negative-
eLzp7w-NEeWPhwrBf2tcNQ Very good content and presentations, Thanks, Very good content andPresentationThanks, Positive0.881.00.911.01
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow At first the presentations are really on a semi professional level (copy & paste codes, making errors without knowing the cause). They show a lot what can be done with swift but the never show/mention what it's really usefull for (no "real life" usage just snippets after snippets). To few practical doings (mostly only quiz stuff) At first thePresentationare really on a semi professionalNegative-0.65-1.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow This course is a rare example of how it`s not done. Presentation is unstructured. Seems to be a student project where his professor "helps" along to check certain topics the student has to include to get a good grade.example of how it`s not done.Presentationis unstructured. Seems to be aNegative-0.97-1.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow A resource if your starting with Swift. Video quality is often poor. Examples are a bit too contrived. Generally, presentations should be better prepared, too much figuring things out during the video. Good choice of project for the practical.Many interesting coding practice tidbits along the way but needs polish.are a bit too contrived. Generally,Presentationshould be better prepared, too muchPositive0.680.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow Bad audio quality Poor presentation Not for professional developers (perhaps can be fine for beginners) Bad audio quality PoorPresentationNot for professional developers (perhaps canNegative-0.9-1.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow This course is poorly designed. What course on a programming language jumps first into how to use the debugger and what went wrong with a program? You are not introducing Swift, you are introducing xcode (and doing a terrible job of it). Also, I have been using xcode and Swift for 8 months now and producing some really good work, but I could only get 3/7 on your quiz because you have written questions with the purpose of tricking people instead of reinforcing or checking knowledge of the content. When you teach a new application, consider introducing the interface first. Explain what the various areas are, what they are needed for, and how to control them. This orients the user in the application and helps them to find their way around when they are trying to reinforce your teachings later. The presentation for this course is so unprofessional. It's like a running commentary on a movie instead of an educational presentation. I felt like I was listening to two geeks stuffing around and having a good time, instead of people who are professional teachers! I'm so incredibly disappointed with this course. Back to the wonderful work of Paul Hegarty from Stanford University on iTunes University and YouTube for me. University of Toronto - you should really consider what your teaching staff are doing before you unleash them on the world. to reinforce your teachings later. ThePresentationfor this course is so unprofessional.Negative-0.9-1.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow This course is poorly designed. What course on a programming language jumps first into how to use the debugger and what went wrong with a program? You are not introducing Swift, you are introducing xcode (and doing a terrible job of it). Also, I have been using xcode and Swift for 8 months now and producing some really good work, but I could only get 3/7 on your quiz because you have written questions with the purpose of tricking people instead of reinforcing or checking knowledge of the content. When you teach a new application, consider introducing the interface first. Explain what the various areas are, what they are needed for, and how to control them. This orients the user in the application and helps them to find their way around when they are trying to reinforce your teachings later. The presentation for this course is so unprofessional. It's like a running commentary on a movie instead of an educational presentation. I felt like I was listening to two geeks stuffing around and having a good time, instead of people who are professional teachers! I'm so incredibly disappointed with this course. Back to the wonderful work of Paul Hegarty from Stanford University on iTunes University and YouTube for me. University of Toronto - you should really consider what your teaching staff are doing before you unleash them on the world. a movie instead of an educationalPresentationI felt like I was listeningNegative-1.0-1.00.471.25
eUI0xjeIEeWO-Qq6rEZAow I'm sorry but the presentations were very poor and unprepared. The first quiz focused on rather unimportant and stuff which was NOT PRESENTED in videos, like keyboard shortcuts etc. Do not recommend. I'm sorry but thePresentationwere very poor and unprepared. TheNegative-1.0-1.00.471.25
GEfA2A0UEeSWFyIACpBHcA Excellent approach, robust presentation, demanding but rewarding quizzes, overall a valuable course. A slight drawback is of technical nature and is responsibility of the host platform: a couple of module videos contain wrong subtitles. Nevertheless, both teacher speak clear English, and it wouldn't be hard for most participants to follow. Excellent approach, robustPresentationdemanding but rewarding quizzes, overall aPositive1.01.01.371.37
GEfA2A0UEeSWFyIACpBHcA Extraordinarily dry presentation. It was a struggle to sit through each video. Extraordinarily dryPresentationIt was a struggle to sitNegative-0.87-1.01.371.37
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ I took this course seriously and worked all the way till the last assignment. As per my experience and understanding the course contents are quite dense, but the lucid and succinct presentation made it quite comprehensible and interesting. I was amazed to find how well the concepts were formulated in a suitable mathematical modelling. I wholeheartedly thank Prof. Ng and the support stuffs for this wonderful course. dense, but the lucid and succinctPresentationmade it quite comprehensible and interesting.Positive0.791.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Very interesting course, great presentation, a rewarding experience. Thank you! Very interesting course, greatPresentationa rewarding experience. Thank you! Positive0.991.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ About me: I'm a professional industrial control systems programmer. About this course: It contains challenging math for someone who has been out of school for 25 years. I'm no where close to the 3 hour time estimate for the exercises (more like +12 hours) but the course content and presentation is exceptional. This is the course that is finally giving me a working nuts a bolts understanding of machine learning, AI, and neural networks.hours) but the course content andPresentationis exceptional. This is the coursePositive0.971.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Excellent presentation of the material, providing not only the mathematical concepts but the context in which they are used. Definitely taught as well as my best classes at university, and far above the worst. I believe it could only benefit from some earlier discussion on vectorization vs. using loops, but I enjoyed the challenge of solving that on my own. Thank you for offering this! ExcellentPresentationof the material, providing not onlyPositive0.
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Professor Ng is a great teacher, his course is both challenging and satisfying. The exercises require you to take one step beyond the lecture -- not just parrot back the transcript -- you have to think about the implications of what you've just studied. Yet Ng's presentations are lucid and informative and that next step is obvious, once you think about it. My greatest challenge is that, although I have been programming for decades, I've only dabbled in a functional language like Octave and my last math class dates back to the 70s. However, the math requirements are not onerous and I'm struggling through the Octave assignments with some success. Although the course is 11 weeks there are more than 16 lectures as some weeks have two complete sets of lectures PLUS there are assignments every week that take a few hours to complete. So while there is a little more work in this course than in other Coursera offerings there is great value for the money and time spent. If you're interested in Machine Learning this course is a great place to start.what you've just studied. Yet Ng'sPresentationare lucid and informative and thatPositive0.921.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ This course was hard (for me- I'm an engineer with some programming but the subject matter and presentation are well done. Especially for the price.programming but the subject matter andPresentationare well done. Especially for thePositive0.981.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ It's really impressive that Andrew Ng created this course, which (I believe) was the original Coursera course. And, at the halfway point I am finding it somewhat useful. However, I've been doing the University of Washington Machine Learning Specialization in tandem and I much prefer that course. The videos are clearer, both in terms of audio quality and presentation, and I am able to seamlessly transition from lectures to quiz/homework, whereas with this Stanford course I sometimes find that the lectures do not prepare me for the homework. That may also be because I had not used Matlab prior to this course, but am very fluent in python, which is used in the UW course. Finally, the notation used in the lectures can be quite confusing for me at times. UPDATE: I am now finishing the last week of the course, and I increased my rating to 4 stars. The course got easier and more fun after the halfway point. If you are struggling through the early weeks, I encourage you to stick with it, as it pays off later terms of audio quality andPresentationand I am able to seamlesslyPositive0.910.50.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ This course offers an insight to most of the machine learning techniques currently deployed. However, it does not go in depth for any of it. Amazing programming exercises, very well structured, very helpful and easily understandable. They make sure that you only implement what is relevant to the course and all else clutter (reading, typechecking, etc) is already in place for you. The instructor is easily understandable and the presentations are very well structured. Coming from an engineering/computing background, would hope for more math and insights, but this is a course that can be taken by economics or other majors. Really enjoyed it and has prepared me to delve deeper into machine learning and craft ML systems as part of my school or in my free time.instructor is easily understandable and thePresentationare very well structured. Coming fromPositive0.991.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Good so far. there were some minor errors in the presentation calculations but thats ok.were some minor errors in thePresentationcalculations but thats ok. Positive0.891.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ I have tried learning machine learning from textbooks, but so far this course has had the best presentation of the subject that I have seen. Andrew Ng's presentation of the material is very clear and easy to understand. I have enjoyed taking this course, and I would very much recommend it to others. this course has had the bestPresentationof the subject that I havePositive0.761.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Perfect presentation for everybody PerfectPresentationfor everybody Positive0.771.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Very Challenging! I learned quite a bit and enjoyed the style and presentations of the instructor.bit and enjoyed the style andPresentationof the instructor. Positive0.991.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Clear paradigmatic presentation for anyone who designs an online course. Very easy to follow sometimes too easy for someone with math and cs background. can go through the lectures fast. Clear paradigmaticPresentationfor anyone who designs an onlinePositive0.941.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Great course! Challenging but doable and very interesting the whole way though. Presentation is clear and the assignments are well designed and engaging.very interesting the whole way though.Presentationis clear and the assignments arePositive0.691.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Prof. Andrew Ng's presentation is pretty intuitive and effective. For me I've almost forgotten the Linear Algebraic after graduated for years, but it is still easy to 100% understood what he taught. The exercises are also designed very practical for us to better understand the lectures, and I think I can deploy them for my future work as well. This learning series is really helpful and seems open an window for me to understand Machine Learning, since I thought it would be very very hard to understand before attended this series. By now, I am proudly to say that I am in the room of this great discipline. I really appreciate Prof. Andrew Ng's effort as well as the support team. Prof. Andrew Ng'sPresentationis pretty intuitive and effective. ForPositive0.911.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Excellent lectures and material. Very motivating content with the presentation of real life applications! Thanks.material. Very motivating content with thePresentationof real life applications! Thanks. Positive0.881.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ This course presentation is simple and easy to digest with some hints about where the complexity exist. The exercises also well designed to lead student to the right direction without worrying too much about implementation detail that support the main topics. I usually focus in the wrong direction while learning something new. This trap is frustrating, but this course is really enjoyable. Thank you for making this course. This coursePresentationis simple and easy to digestPositive0.991.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Excellent presentation of the subject matter with clear illustrations. ExcellentPresentationof the subject matter with clearPositive0.821.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ One of the excellent class i have ever taken. This course covers very wide topic in the machine learning subject. When i have enrolled for this course i haven't any idea about this subject. Now i have understood the concepts behind the machine learning and i am confident that i can build upon. Thanks to Prof.Ng for his excellent presentation avoiding complicated mathematical backgrounds to make the subject exciting. Thanks to coursera team members to include a course like this. Overall i have enjoyed. to Prof. Ng for his excellentPresentationavoiding complicated mathematical backgrounds to makePositive0.951.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Fantastic course .. really gets into the detail and presentation is fabulous and really interesting.really gets into the detail andPresentationis fabulous and really interesting. Positive0.991.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Machine Learning is an excellent course with great presentations. This is not an easy course, and I found myself reviewing concepts and being challenged to dive deeper into the material. The assignments are difficult, but the tutorials on the discussion boards from the course mentor made all of the difference. I highly recommend the linear algebra review as well. I now have a much better understanding of how the machine learning algorithms work after having completed the an excellent course with greatPresentationThis is not an easy course,Positive1.
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ very interesting course, with clear presentation very interesting course, with clearPresentation Positive0.811.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Half-way between linear algebra and programming, very concrete with the assignments, and the presentation by M. Ng makes the whole course very clear and understandable. I learned a lot, and I am really grateful for all the funny things I am able to do now. I highly recommend this course. concrete with the assignments, and thePresentationby M. Ng makes the wholePositive0.791.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ perfect content and presentation. The professor has an undeniable insight in the subject area. perfect content andPresentationThe professor has an undeniable insightPositive0.911.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ There are some duplicates within one presentation, so video editing could be done better. However after all, assignments are all well prepared, well explained with some not that much important things already prepared. Multiple algorithms are explained with reasoning about why and when to use it. I recommend this course to others.There are some duplicates within onePresentationso video editing could be doneNegative-0.811.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ Great teacher Great content Great presentation Great teacher Great content GreatPresentation Positive0.691.00.271.31
Gtv4Xb1-EeS-ViIACwYKVQ The Good: This course is a good introduction to fundamental topics and basic techniques in machine learning. I feel that the biggest strength of this course comes from Prof. Ng's suggestions for how to design and improve machine learning systems in practice. The Bad: This course is a few years old, and there are a lot of errors in the videos and even occasionally in the programming exercises as well. In my opinion, there is a little too much hand-holding in the programming exercises, so that while I was able to implement the important bits and pieces of the algorithms, I didn't get much chance to practice the more difficult task of organizing the entire system. The Ambiguous: This course is *very* light on the math, perhaps as light as you could possibly get. I imagine this is a relief for a lot of people, but personally I felt annoyed and even a little patronized with the number of times Prof. Ng said that we "don't have to worry" about the mathematical details of different concepts and algorithms. It's fine to skip over derivations and details for the sake of a simple presentation or to emphasize practical application, but surely it is important to go back and see what all this stuff means eventually. I will certainly be looking for other courses on machine learning that give a more mathematical treatment, and I think that anyone who wants to seriously get into ML should probably do the same. On a related note, Prof. Ng takes his time in each video, speaking slowly, repeating different points, and carefully explicating formulas with examples. For some people that may be good, but I found myself frequently skipping ahead in videos because I just wanted to get to the point.for the sake of a simplePresentationor to emphasize practical application, butNegative-0.850.50.271.31
I82JCSWXEeWtRg6boA3D-Q The amount of information covered in this course is just right for a beginner. But it suffers because one, the lectures are boring and lifeless (can you imagine graphics design being BORING?), and two, the examples are UNINSPIRING. They could've done better than use the same circles, squares and triangles to explain various concepts! It's hard to get excited about a topic when the presentation is this dull. And did I mention the lecturer doesn't even look directly at the viewer? It's like they're looking at a monitor or camera on the side, so it's like he's talking to somebody else. So in summary, basic concepts and information are there, yes. And it's free so take it and check out the others in the series. It's just that execution could've been a lot better. excited about a topic when thePresentationis this dull. And did INegative-1.0-0.50.791.04
I82JCSWXEeWtRg6boA3D-Q Great way to get acquainted with the basic tools of graphic design. I will be sure to use them next time I am creating a presentation at work or in my personal time I am creating aPresentationat work or in my personalPositive0.750.50.791.04
I82JCSWXEeWtRg6boA3D-Q Great introduction to the basics of graphic design. Interesting presentations and fun assignments.the basics of graphic design. InterestingPresentationand fun assignments. Positive0.791.00.791.04
I82JCSWXEeWtRg6boA3D-Q I totally liked the hands-on approach and the nice presentation of the material. On the other hand, I felt a little left alone since there was no didactically planned interaction beyond the peer reviews. Furthermore, a forum for discussion is nice, but it's a little sad if no one can answer course related formal questions, you misinterpret the instructions, and therefore receive a low grade.the hands-on approach and the nicePresentationof the material. On the otherPositive0.640.00.791.04
I82JCSWXEeWtRg6boA3D-Q Like the format and the presentation of this course. Each topic builds on the next and then finally you are shown how to mix the fundamentals. Enjoyed this course. Like the format and thePresentationof this course. Each topic buildsPositive0.821.00.791.04
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg I found this course disappointing. Whilst the presenter, Margaret Meloni, was enthusiastic and pleasant to listen to, the content was very sparse indeed. A large part of the content each week was simply reading a presentation which you could get from a book. I would expect an online course to be more interactive, have more videos, and more varied content. I found the case studies (where you had to imagine a real life situation and select a decision) useful - there was one of these per week when I think there could have been more, perhaps three a week. The course would also have been improved by the use of peer assessment on the assignments. This would have made them feel more worthwhile and that someone else was actually reading them.each week was simply reading aPresentationwhich you could get from aNegative-0.76-0.50.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg Very informative!!! I am pleased with the presentation as well as the impersonal nature of the instructor.! I am pleased with thePresentationas well as the impersonal naturePositive1.01.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg Content is very well organized within flash presentation and video lectures that are complementary to one another and also interrelated. The step by step approach really helps students to go through its content very well organized within flashPresentationand video lectures that are complementaryPositive0.971.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg Very engaging presentation! Very engagingPresentation Positive0.721.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg Excellent course! I learned a lot from Margaret, the lectures and the presentations were clear and easy to follow.from Margaret, the lectures and thePresentationwere clear and easy to follow.Positive0.981.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg I watched the entire set of week one lectures, and sadly I do not think this is up to scratch with the rest of the material on Coursera. The presentation is not consistent: there are slides, web cam videos, animations, and it just feels like the course is a mish mash. The University of Adelaide is running a similar course on a well known competitor site, so I have signed up to that.of the material on Coursera. ThePresentationis not consistent: there are slides,Negative-0.640.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg There is a LOT of material in this course. The videos go a little too fast at times, so a 10 minute video would usually take me like 20 so I could get some notes from it. The presentations are perfectly structured, but they are a bit long, so again plan on spending a good 20 minutes per presentation if you plan on taking notes and all. Finally, the role of the PMBOK Guide as complimentary material to this class is strongly under-emphasized in the introduction. However, all optional reading is from this guide and another book also mentioned in the introduction. Maybe mention this in the intro so people can make a more informed decision as to buying those books or not.get some notes from it. ThePresentationare perfectly structured, but they arePositive0.751.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg There is a LOT of material in this course. The videos go a little too fast at times, so a 10 minute video would usually take me like 20 so I could get some notes from it. The presentations are perfectly structured, but they are a bit long, so again plan on spending a good 20 minutes per presentation if you plan on taking notes and all. Finally, the role of the PMBOK Guide as complimentary material to this class is strongly under-emphasized in the introduction. However, all optional reading is from this guide and another book also mentioned in the introduction. Maybe mention this in the intro so people can make a more informed decision as to buying those books or not.spending a good 20 minutes perPresentationif you plan on taking notesNegative-0.971.00.871.19
iRBJm_LREeSplSIACzYDNg Quite simple but useful course, especially useful are the additional flash presentations. Thanks a lot!especially useful are the additional flashPresentationThanks a lot! Positive0.651.00.871.19
iSxVEG07EeW3YxLB1q9I2w Wonderful tools were taught. Good course. The presentation of the tools was appropriate to get started quickly with these tools. Thank you were taught. Good course. ThePresentationof the tools was appropriate toPositive0.641.00.681.01
iSxVEG07EeW3YxLB1q9I2w excellent presentation excellentPresentation Positive0.810.50.681.01
iSxVEG07EeW3YxLB1q9I2w Great course! I would recommend compressing the audio on the video presentations so it's easier to hear and more consistent in volume level.compressing the audio on the videoPresentationso it's easier to hear andNegative-0.950.50.681.01
iSxVEG07EeW3YxLB1q9I2w I'm doing this training for the second time, now as a beta-tester. Particular comments about lecture content, problems, etc. have been put in every lecture. General comments, in short: 1) Related to the new platform and UI design: _ It is cleaner and simpler than the previous one. I like it, BUT... _ It lacks of some useful features: saving intermediate results in quizzes before submit them; calendar; limited number of subforums. _ The most relevant flaw: there are not downloadable versions of lecture slides. Unacceptable! No way to check most of the links we saw in slides (URLs not visible). _ Description and steps in course project appear "too packed" together. I prefer the former design. 2) Related to content: _ The course is mainly for preparing students for the rest of data science specialization program. When you said "toolbox" you mean the concrete toolbox you will need to do the program. Some people expect to have a general introduction to data science but that is only a half of the content. I think this is clear enough in the presentation but for some reasons there are people in forums who protest the content, so maybe you should insist more in this fact. _ I would like to suggest some kind of reorder of material: week 2 is all about installing a running tools and week 3 about key aspects of data analysis. Maybe you can split both types of content between wk2 and wk3 to make wk2 more appealing for not technical oriented students. _ Git is a source of problems for a good portion of people. See my comments in lectures about how Git is explained.this is clear enough in thePresentationbut for some reasons there arePositive0.730.50.681.01
jcbwGG00EeW9CAqYJHF3zQ Great teaching and comprehensive, clear presentation of concepts related to the topic. I have acquired a deeper understanding of brand and product management theories, models, frameworks and concepts at a higher (more macro) and more strategic level that is very applicable to the real world. The professor is very engaging and I like his use of real-life examples (through his work experiences, etc) to make the course material very relevant. Hopefully this helps in my headstart in my career switch! Great teaching and comprehensive, clearPresentationof concepts related to the topic.Positive0.931.00.961.03
jcbwGG00EeW9CAqYJHF3zQ I think that presentation slides should be offered to students. These slides will cointain information that is given by the expositor. Also, it is possible to offer a toolkit pages in each module to faciltate teaching.. I think thatPresentationslides should be offered to students.Negative-0.720.00.961.03
JdB92adFEeS5zCIAC8pMPA Awesome ideas and great presentation. the lectures remain lectures but without the drowsiness commonly associated with them. :) Awesome ideas and greatPresentationthe lectures remain lectures but withoutPositive0.941.01.021.35
JdB92adFEeS5zCIAC8pMPA Delightfully straightforward and easy to understand presentation on Buddhism and how Buddhist ideas on self and suffering intersect with current ideas in the field of psychology, particularly evolutionary psychology. The only thing I found odd is that Robert Wright seemed to put enlightenment in the league of something unobtainable for most people.Delightfully straightforward and easy to understandPresentationon Buddhism and how Buddhist ideasPositive0.991.01.021.35
JdB92adFEeS5zCIAC8pMPA Very very introductory. This course explores the Buddhist theory of suffering and liberation by comparing it to evolutionary psychological theories. It is not a deep course on Buddhism - it lacks any substantive discussion of differences between Buddhist schools, of the difficulty of reconstructing the "historical" Buddha (a problem as difficult as reconstructing the "historical Christ"), of the fact that Buddhism as popularized in the West is actually quite different from any of the Asian forms of Buddhism, etc. Also, evolutionary psychology is controversial in its own right - one criticism of it is that it creates "just-so" stories about the origins of mental processes that are impossible to verify (or falsify). These objections are well known, but are not confronted in the course. A scholarly much sounder and deeper course is the one on Tibetan Buddhism from University of Virginia. It suffers from truly appalling presentation (the video lectures are some of the most boring I have ever watched), but the diversity of angles from which Buddhism is examined, and the depth of content are really outstanding.Virginia. It suffers from truly appallingPresentation(the video lectures are some ofNegative-0.92-
JdB92adFEeS5zCIAC8pMPA Excellent presentation of Buddhism in the context of a a "naturalistic worldview". Lots of food for thought with many pearls of insight. ExcellentPresentationof Buddhism in the context ofPositive0.811.01.021.35
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw The course satisfied me in various aspects. It is brief and clear. Thank you for our instructor for nice presentations. Nevertheless, I would expect more about pharma and treatment apporaches. More about drugs available in the markets and new trends. Psychotherapy applications / demonstrations would be very useful. you for our instructor for nicePresentationNevertheless, I would expect more aboutPositive0.830.00.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw Beautiful presentation! BeautifulPresentation Positive0.721.00.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw I am very interested in this topic however I found the instructor's presentation to be so monotonic and slow paced that I dropped out. I am sure he knows his material cold and I am sure that he is much better "live" in class. The readings were appropriate and the course out line solid. However this is not his media. And I have done the "talking to the camera" thing and it can be deadly for presenters. It is not BTW an "age thing"; I am older than he, I am sure, and do not ask that presentations be entertaining - just that they be engaging. (Perhaps if Coursera had lecturers present in front of small groups, as "Great Courses" does? It is unfortunate that (as I understand it) Coursera doesn't offer a "free look" with the option to transfer one's fee to another course if unhappy. Hope this is constructive for both the lecturer and Coursera.topic however I found the instructor'sPresentationto be so monotonic and slowNegative-0.82-0.50.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw I am very interested in this topic however I found the instructor's presentation to be so monotonic and slow paced that I dropped out. I am sure he knows his material cold and I am sure that he is much better "live" in class. The readings were appropriate and the course out line solid. However this is not his media. And I have done the "talking to the camera" thing and it can be deadly for presenters. It is not BTW an "age thing"; I am older than he, I am sure, and do not ask that presentations be entertaining - just that they be engaging. (Perhaps if Coursera had lecturers present in front of small groups, as "Great Courses" does? It is unfortunate that (as I understand it) Coursera doesn't offer a "free look" with the option to transfer one's fee to another course if unhappy. Hope this is constructive for both the lecturer and Coursera.sure, and do not ask thatPresentationbe entertaining - just that theyNegative-0.73-0.50.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw The content was great, the presentation was a bit dry, but I feel I got a lot out of this course. The content was great, thePresentationwas a bit dry, but IPositive0.940.50.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw I love the material, good presentation too. I love the material, goodPresentationtoo. Positive0.921.00.921.02
knivtHEHEeSfpCIACzWBZw Very informative but very dry presentations. Very informative but very dryPresentation Positive0.65-0.50.921.02
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ I afraid to learn JS until take this course. Course has really good presentation and content to understand behaviour between HTML, CSS and JS. I would definitely recommend to take this course if you are interested in web development.this course. Course has really goodPresentationand content to understand behaviour betweenPositive0.761.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ The videos and presentation are fine. The exercises are quite easy and the main problem of the course is that they are review for other students withput any teacher assuring that is right. The videos andPresentationare fine. The exercises are quitePositive0.690.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Very nice and the presentations are very clear and understandable, It's a very basic course of web development which is why I think it's a little bit expensive for this level of course. Very nice and thePresentationare very clear and understandable, It'sPositive0.940.50.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Easy to learn and good presentation!! Easy to learn and goodPresentation! Positive0.841.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Very good course.. Very crisp presentation.Very good course. . Very crispPresentation Positive0.941.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Excellent course and assignments and great presentation by David Rossiter.Excellent course and assignments and greatPresentationby David Rossiter. Positive0.981.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ very nice presentation and content for beginners very nicePresentationand content for beginners Positive0.790.50.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Great introductory course to the basics of web development. David is straightforward and clear with his presentations. Though the course is only 3 weeks long so you have practice to keep your skills straightforward and clear with hisPresentationThough the course is only 3Negative-0.711.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Amazing presentation. Good content AmazingPresentationGood content Positive0.81.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Nice explanations. Examples and presentation are very easy to understand. Congratulations!!! Nice explanations. Examples andPresentationare very easy to understand. Congratulations!Positive0.991.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Great instructor with great presentation methods that make learning course content simple and straight forward. Would recommend to anyone needing to get web basics into their toolbox of skills. Great instructor with greatPresentationmethods that make learning course contentPositive0.881.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Very good course, very appreciate the teacher's affords. He using very understandable English to give us each presentation, thank you!understandable English to give us eachPresentationthank you! Positive0.881.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ I love the way the presentations are set up. It's clear and obvious what the material is about and I know exactly what I'm about to learn so when I go back and need a reference I can easily select the module and figure out if it's what I need or not. The assignments make good use of the concepts we learned in the lectures. Very good course, yet also challenging to complete some of the tasks. I recommended a friend to join me in successive courses in this specialization. I love the way thePresentationare set up. It's clear andPositive0.991.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Excellent explanations, superb presentations and challenging assignments. Kudos to everyone who put their efforts and specially to Dr. David Rossiter Excellent explanations, superbPresentationand challenging assignments. Kudos to everyonePositive0.991.00.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Nice introduction to the subject. Teacher and presentations were easy to understand and not too dry. Homework assignments were interesting and peer reviewing other people's submissions helped get pointers on what I could've done better.introduction to the subject. Teacher andPresentationwere easy to understand and notPositive0.860.50.371.21
LgWwihnoEeWDtQoum3sFeQ Pros: A basic introduction to the 3 core front-end technologies. The Professor has structured the course in a logical and easy to follow progressive format. The presentations are professionally done with quality audio and HD video. (The Professor speaks with a clear proper British accent). If watching online, there are helpful short quizzes built into the videos to make sure people are not skipping ahead. (Not sure if these 'video quizzes are graded, but I think they are helpful) Cons: The projects are helpful to reinforce logic and programming concepts, however, they are not real world and may be too simple to be of real value. One will need supplemental resources to fill in the gaps for the projects. I would have liked a real world example, even if it was beyond the scope of the course.easy to follow progressive format. ThePresentationare professionally done with quality audioPositive0.960.50.371.21
LrTP0yv9EeWccAqzeA4VPw Effective presentation of conflict resolution ideas and challenges. EffectivePresentationof conflict resolution ideas and challenges.Positive0.811.01.231.37
LrTP0yv9EeWccAqzeA4VPw I loved every topic. The presentation were great and the assignments made the mind think harder. I loved every topic. ThePresentationwere great and the assignments madePositive1.
LrTP0yv9EeWccAqzeA4VPw Presentation is so boring and dry, I could not bring myself to watching past the first couple of videos. Presentationis so boring and dry, INegative-1.0-
MEgKOpw3EeWILQ7D3uPEMw The material was very informative and instructors where also very spot on with their presentation. I enjoyed the course very much and look forward to other courses in this specialization.also very spot on with theirPresentationI enjoyed the course very muchPositive1.01.00.881.28
MEgKOpw3EeWILQ7D3uPEMw As a complete neophyte of Entrepreneurship myself, couse 1 of this specialization successfully enganges the neophyte student. like me, into the field of Entrepreneurship and particularly to the subject of developing the opportunity. Really wonderful presentation of the essence of developing the entrepreneurial opportunity.of developing the opportunity. Really wonderfulPresentationof the essence of developing thePositive1.01.00.881.28
MEgKOpw3EeWILQ7D3uPEMw Prof Hsu is not enthusiastic / gripping in presentations and so the material he teaches doesnt not enthusiastic / gripping inPresentationand so the material he teachesNegative-0.910.50.881.28
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Great Course! Highly recommend. I especially liked the sections on origins of life and habitability. The lectures were packed with info but short enough to absorb. Loved the professor's presentation, as well. He was engaging and positive, but not over the top with enthusiasm.enough to absorb. Loved the professor'sPresentationas well. He was engaging andPositive0.991.00.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Great content and learning experience. Informative and enjoyable course, great lecture presentations and support materials.Informative and enjoyable course, great lecturePresentationand support materials. Positive1.01.00.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Very interesting presentation of the material. I really liked how it was paced. Very interestingPresentationof the material. I really likedPositive0.971.00.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Excellent presentation and very interesting course ExcellentPresentationand very interesting course Positive0.971.00.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Nicely done! Wonderful mix of challenging information, entertaining presentation, thought-provoking ideas.Wonderful mix of challenging information, entertainingPresentationthought-provoking ideas. Positive0.981.00.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q The material could be exciting but the presentation is dull. The pass mark on the quizzes is around 80%. As these courses are supposed to be for interest why do you need 80% to pass?material could be exciting but thePresentationis dull. The pass mark onNegative-1.0-0.50.611.36
mG1NQnUvEeS8UyIACzYI5Q Excellent and very interesting presentation of a wonderful subject. Excellent and very interestingPresentationof a wonderful subject. Positive1.01.00.611.36
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ Excellent combination of conceptual and practical quizzes. Providing the presentation slides is a great note-taking aid, as well as use of "ride-along" notebooks. The progressive use of the same dataset throughout the modules greatly aided focus on learning the algorithms. conceptual and practical quizzes. Providing thePresentationslides is a great note-taking aid,Positive0.981.00.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ This is an excellent course. The presentation is clear, the graphs are very informative, the homework is well-structured and it does not beat around the bush with unnecessary theoretical tangents.This is an excellent course. ThePresentationis clear, the graphs are veryPositive1.01.00.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ An excellent and quite extensive foray into regression analyses from single-variable linear regression to nearest-neighbor and kernel regression techniques, including how to use gradient vs. coordinate descent for optimization and proper L1 and L2 regularization methods. The lecture slides have some questionable pedagogical and aesthetic qualities, and they could use some more polish from someone who specializes in teaching presentation methods, but the meat of the course comes from its quizzes and programming assignments, which are well split between practical use (via Graphlab Create and SFrame) and a nuts-and-bolts assignment that have you implement these methods from scratch. An extremely valuable course for someone who wants to use these for a data science application but also wants to understand the mathematics and statistics behind them to an appreciable degree.from someone who specializes in teachingPresentationmethods, but the meat of theNegative-0.770.50.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ Excellent presentation of fundamental concepts and good overview of some specific methods. ExcellentPresentationof fundamental concepts and good overviewPositive0.821.00.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ I saw a number of machine courses that are with too general contents and more like conference presentations. It's hard to learn and grasp something from them. However this is a real Machine Course that provides informative, appropriate details and derivations from which I can learn and understand the meaning and insights buried in math symbols and equations. No doubt, the optional video lectures are excellent enhanced "nutrition." Looking forward to the three courses in this specialization. Thanks, Profs. Emily Fox and Carlos Guestrin, for instructing such wonderful authentic courses.general contents and more like conferencePresentationIt's hard to learn and graspNegative-
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ Wonderful lectures and good assignments. Very, very clear presentations. Minor drawbacks: there's no assistance available for the assignments (which can be quite difficult). The quizzes require sometimes information that is not directly available in the video lectures. Note that it takes more hrs per week than mentioned (but it's worthwhile!).and good assignments. Very, very clearPresentationMinor drawbacks: there's no assistance availableNegative-0.740.50.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ Awesome. Pure awesome. Great presentation on the theory and all the assignments force you to code solutions from scratch, you're not dependent on Graphlab. Very detailed presentation of advanced topics not covered in other superficial introductions to regression. And practical advice from the instructors shows that they are imparting practical real-world advice on running regression. Awesome. Pure awesome. GreatPresentationon the theory and all thePositive0.891.00.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ Awesome. Pure awesome. Great presentation on the theory and all the assignments force you to code solutions from scratch, you're not dependent on Graphlab. Very detailed presentation of advanced topics not covered in other superficial introductions to regression. And practical advice from the instructors shows that they are imparting practical real-world advice on running regression.not dependent on Graphlab. Very detailedPresentationof advanced topics not covered inPositive0.821.00.861.18
mxdq5kIJEeWC4g7VhG4bTQ I appreciate the nuts and bolts focus on implementation that facilitates development of intuition, intuition that for me at least does not come from presentation of the mathematics in least does not come fromPresentationof the mathematics in isolation. Negative-0.920.50.861.18
nA4RUW01EeW8nRIpKnwp7Q Overall this was a good course. Some of the presenters need to work on their presentation skills (personally I had no problems with the accents). I also felt that the sections on dynamic programming seemed a bit rushed and I needed to spend a bit of time researching this on third parties before I felt comfortable completing the exercises. The grading system was really cool and the exercises seemed well thought-out and thorough. I'd recommend this course to existing developers without a computer science background. Those who want more mathematical rigour should look into the Tim Roughgarden/Stanford course.presenters need to work on theirPresentationskills (personally I had no problemsNegative-0.730.50.861.03
nA4RUW01EeW8nRIpKnwp7Q Very good subject and very good topics presented. Professors are very good. And the video presentation is awesome.are very good. And the videoPresentationis awesome. Positive1.01.00.861.03
nA4RUW01EeW8nRIpKnwp7Q Strong Points: -Course content is well-organized -Good assignments that enhance the understanding of concepts Weak Points: -Some of the presenters need to strengthen their presentation skills -Lectures slides aren't good enoughthe presenters need to strengthen theirPresentationskills -Lectures slides aren't good enoughNegative-0.860.50.861.03
nA4RUW01EeW8nRIpKnwp7Q Everything is awesome except a minor mismatch between Niel Rhodes's and Alexander Kulikov's presentations in Week 4. Although Prof. Rhodes prooved Master Theorem in the first half of the Week, Prof. Kulikov didn't use it estimating algorithms asymtotics.between Niel Rhodes's and Alexander Kulikov'sPresentationin Week 4. Although Prof. RhodesPositive0.760.50.861.03
nnd5lshWEeSA1yIACye2oA good and informative presentation good and informativePresentation Positive0.830.50.821.03
nnd5lshWEeSA1yIACye2oA A really lovely course; good pacing, fantastic presentation. Lovingly crafted.really lovely course; good pacing, fantasticPresentationLovingly crafted. Positive0.991.00.821.03
nnd5lshWEeSA1yIACye2oA Most interesting topic, previously unknown. excellent illustrations, although flashed up too fast. Poor, sometimes erratic and tiring verbal presentation, which sapped energy for peer reviews. Can be greatly improved.Poor, sometimes erratic and tiring verbalPresentationwhich sapped energy for peer reviews.Negative-0.730.00.821.03
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q This is the best course for a complete beginner. The presentation of the course material is very friendly, the instructor was really great and the quizzes were perfect. The only thing I would like to suggest is adding more coding exercises. But as it stands now, it is still fantastic! I see some people have complained about the final project auto-grader of this course. But you should know that the final project now has additional quizzes (related to the project) and even though the auto-grader sometimes makes mistakes, you can compensate that by answering the project quizzes correctly. If you are a beginner in web development, "Introduction to HTML5" is the best start you can possibly have. Most importantly this course will give you the confidence to take more advanced courses in future.course for a complete beginner. ThePresentationof the course material is veryNegative-0.871.01.061.24
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q Excellent presentation and great materials for beginners but personal efforts are required. ExcellentPresentationand great materials for beginners butPositive0.971.01.061.24
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q Presentation style seemed a tad monotonous, but material is well explained Presentationstyle seemed a tad monotonous, butNegative-
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q This is absolutely NOT for beginners. There is no way you can possibly do this class in under 10 hours a week. The presentations are sloppy and vague. There is absolutely no support, unless you count snark from the aids who check into the message boards once and a while to tell you your question is stupid. This woman chatters on way to fast and if you use the slower speed setting on the videos, it crashes every time. I am not happy that I wasted money on this class. It offers nothing to prepare you to actually do any real life HTML coding. I highly recommend either purchasing a book to learn on your own or take a class elsewhere. The Coursera platform is garbage. The app crashes and it doesn't seem to cooperate well with Safari so I have to lug around my laptop in order to get through this nonsense. under 10 hours a week. ThePresentationare sloppy and vague. There isNegative-0.91-
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q This course is awesome! I am retired and learning to build webpages. The presentation and tests are great. I just need to pass my final exam!and learning to build webpages. ThePresentationand tests are great. I justPositive0.911.01.061.24
nQ5d7TbQEeWW9BKhJ4xW0Q One of the best and no fluffy intro to the basics of HTML5/HTML. Colleen was excellent in the presentation.HTML5/HTML. Colleen was excellent in thePresentation Positive0.991.01.061.24
O6SzVx2GEeSKwCIACzUCbQ It was an awesome course with very relevant material from different scientific perspectives. I am really happy that I took this exactly course. Thank you for fantastic presentations, notes and interactive discussions. It was a real pleasure.exactly course. Thank you for fantasticPresentationnotes and interactive discussions. It wasPositive0.
O6SzVx2GEeSKwCIACzUCbQ While course uses a genie method for presentation the content, Quizzes are just made to accomplish one goal: to make sure you have memorized every small detail haven said in the course. Even if someone memorizes the details like specific names and dates, for how long he/she is going to keep it in mind? 2 days? On week?course uses a genie method forPresentationthe content, Quizzes are just madeNegative-0.8-
ODnbKv_6EeSa0SIACyGBQw The presentation of Kant's philosophy is quite inaccurate. All in all, though, this is a great course! ThePresentationof Kant's philosophy is quite inaccurate.Negative-0.650.50.730.76
ODnbKv_6EeSa0SIACyGBQw though the flow of ideologies eventually became distinguishable, the comments on the several artists and philosophers noted were woefully uninformed and inadequate, even distorted, and the professor's eventual humming and hawing, irritating in the extreme, suggested that he was not at all prepared for his lectures - the final presentation of paintings without commentary at all was thus both a relief from his indecision and, at all of twenty minutes, an outrageous waste of time having left all of these however masterful works without any appreciable contextfor his lectures - the finalPresentationof paintings without commentary at allPositive0.730.00.730.76
OmgIw0C2EeWZtA4u62x6lQ I really enjoyed the course, I learned a lot and I am planning to do more focused reading on qualitative methods especially analysis. Gerban's presentations are excellent, I wish all tutors are like him, they are organised, clear and easy to understand. on qualitative methods especially analysis. Gerban'sPresentationare excellent, I wish all tutorsPositive0.991.01.161.17
OmgIw0C2EeWZtA4u62x6lQ The instructor's presentations are so irritating due to him acting in a jumpy, nervous, and hyper-excited manner that I could not stand watching the lectures. If you don't mind that, it's probably not a bad course. The instructor'sPresentationare so irritating due to himNegative-0.78-
Pc2juyEIEeW5Rwo0txKkgQ poor quality and even worse presentation by the teacher poor quality and even worsePresentationby the teacher Negative-1.0-
Pc2juyEIEeW5Rwo0txKkgQ I took the course, and I learned how to use many tools for presentations and speeches. I strongly recommend the course to everyone who wants to improve their skills and to use many tools forPresentationand speeches. I strongly recommend thePositive0.961.01.41.4
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ I enjoy the humor of the instructor and the ease of his presentation. Now, I just need to become familiar with the vocabulary of this industry. Nice job!instructor and the ease of hisPresentationNow, I just need to becomePositive0.670.50.751.04
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ I like the way of explanation and presentationlike the way of explanation andPresentation Negative-0.661.00.751.04
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ Very good presentation from the lecturer, Rob Stone. Information was given very clearly and very easy to understand. Materials needed for further reading are given. Very goodPresentationfrom the lecturer, Rob Stone. InformationPositive0.921.00.751.04
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ Informative course, very well organized, and very useful tools & strategies presented in the course. The presentations are a bit deadpan, and the assignments aren't overly helpful (only quizzes), but the content is good.strategies presented in the course. ThePresentationare a bit deadpan, and thePositive0.940.50.751.04
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ Good material and strong overview of project management. The only improvement I'd suggest is the instructor needed to slow down the delivery of his presentations. His quickly moved through the slides at numerous points (especially with the clicker). Other than that, it was a good course.slow down the delivery of hisPresentationHis quickly moved through the slidesPositive0.630.50.751.04
PLnREdJzEeSeOiIACzWBkQ This course is great for the basic fundamentals of project management. The presentation could have been a bit more engaging.basic fundamentals of project management. ThePresentationcould have been a bit moreNegative-0.950.50.751.04
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ well designed and impressive courses! I learn a lot about Tableau technique and the whole process of data analysis, including preparing the data analysis process with scientific guidance, making persuasive illustration and giving a high quality presentation!! I have learned a lot!illustration and giving a high qualityPresentation! I have learned a lot!Positive0.991.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Best course of the specialization so far, you can tell the instructor specializes in engaging presentations. I felt like I was never lost, but always challenged.tell the instructor specializes in engagingPresentationI felt like I was neverNegative-0.991.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Thanks very much for great content and especially, Ms. Jana Schaich Borg for brilliant presentation skills, lovely voice and good looking as well. Please participate. This is highly recommend course.Ms. Jana Schaich Borg for brilliantPresentationskills, lovely voice and good lookingPositive0.91.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ The flow and presentation was very engaging. This will give you a relatively basic overview of tableau with mention of higher functionality. "Poking the box" is going to be a lot easier having taken this course. The flow andPresentationwas very engaging. This will givePositive0.841.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ This is an excellent course. You are given a six month license to use Tableau as well as practice data for the assignments and exercises. It is very practical and informative. It covers more than just Tableau. The first week is about framing data questions and working with stakeholders. The second and third week cover Tableau. The last week gives some very helpful tips for giving effective presentations. The final assessment will go over all of these things, so be prepared to put them to use if you want the final certificate.very helpful tips for giving effectivePresentationThe final assessment will go overPositive0.851.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Absolutely outstanding course. It stretched me - late nights grappling with the data, learning Tableau, recording a blooper-free presentation. So many takes! But this course was not just about Tableau; it was about clarifying goals, planning before diving into the data, putting yourself in the shoes of the client and good presentation principles. Great practical exercise at the end - make sure you put aside plenty of time for of the client and goodPresentationprinciples. Great practical exercise at thePositive0.741.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Prof. Jana S. Borg is the simply the best! Every lecture material (videos/exercises/final project) is carefully crafted to optimize student's learning experience. She's made the learning fun and that's not easy to do! Now, let's talk about the reason why I didn't give this course a full 5-star rating.... It's the students! As you might already know, this class requires us to put together a 5-minute screencast video that will demonstrate our understanding in 1) Tableau, 2) Business Analytics and 3) Presentation skills. Unfortunately, most of the students only care about the first one while blatantly ignoring the other two. And that makes the grading process a pain in the..errr.... you know what! Another important reminder. Be sure to submit the final project days before the deadline. Otherwise, you might be at risk of not getting graded by 3 other students! On the forum, a student claimed that she was forced to join this session because she couldn't get 3 peers to grade her project TWO SESSIONS ago! The horror! Tableau, 2) Business Analytics and 3)Presentationskills. Unfortunately, most of the studentsNegative-0.860.50.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Great course with strong material on how to create an excellent presentation and use Tableau.on how to create an excellentPresentationand use Tableau. Positive0.950.50.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ There's a lot of great information in this course and it's presented in a very good way. However, like the excel course in this specialization, most of the material isn't about using Tableau. 1 week is about running a project, 2 weeks are about using Tableau, and the final 2 weeks are about presentation. If you're interest isn't mainly in Tableau, I would recommend the course. However, if you're taking this course to learn Tableau, I would suggest not paying for it. the final 2 weeks are aboutPresentationIf you're interest isn't mainly inNegative-0.79-0.50.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Excellent class to learn to visualize data using Tableau, I feel a lot more confident about using Tableau and its features. The final exam project was excellent. On a constructive note-- I wish they had a couple more videos or Pdf guides to format a presentation. Well done Instructorsor Pdf guides to format aPresentationWell done Instructors Positive0.780.50.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ One of the best courses on Coursera: the content covers not just the usage of Tableau but also the objectives heading into using Tableau as well as the presentation of the results one gets from Tableau. Most of all, it is evident that the trainers know their stuff and had a lot of fun putting this together!using Tableau as well as thePresentationof the results one gets fromPositive0.991.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Love the instructor giving tips on how to make compelling presentations in addition to teaching technical aspect of on how to make compellingPresentationin addition to teaching technical aspectPositive0.691.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ Very engaging course. Great introduction to Tableau and general presentation tips. Real application of data analysis and Tableau with a real data set and problem needing recommendationsGreat introduction to Tableau and generalPresentationtips. Real application of data analysisPositive0.871.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ One of the best courses I've gone through. Excellent presentation skills by the trainer and great practical tips to present effectively. Learnt a lot about Tableau through this course. Thanks!best courses I've gone through. ExcellentPresentationskills by the trainer and greatPositive1.01.00.751.21
QoJxNRnoEeW9dA4X94-nLQ The video presentation at the end isn't what I would expect/want from an online course. I stopped short of the final project, but the course was otherwise useful. The videoPresentationat the end isn't what INegative-0.730.50.751.21
r0e9gyUAEeWxbhIkPfddLQ The speaking style and body language of the instructor was quite monotonous when teaching the content. For the most part of the course, it felt like the instructor was just "reading" the teleprompter without blinking for several seconds! He did not attempt to teach the students in these videos. It could have been MUCH better if he had used better presentation tools and shorter sentences.better if he had used betterPresentationtools and shorter sentences. Negative-0.82-
r0e9gyUAEeWxbhIkPfddLQ Great and clear Week 1 Presentation ! Great and clear Week 1Presentation! Positive0.751.01.011.2
r0e9gyUAEeWxbhIkPfddLQ I really enjoyed the Professor's presentation style, and the format of the course (quizzes with one large assignment at the end). It would have been helpful however to have had the slides available for download. I really enjoyed the Professor'sPresentationstyle, and the format of thePositive0.991.01.011.2
RMFRum1BEeWXrA6ju0fvnQ the presentations are very hard to follow, it requires a lot of extra time reading the professor's book thePresentationare very hard to follow, itPositive0.750.00.80.8
RMFRum1BEeWXrA6ju0fvnQ The course needs an update. Really poor presentation of the material although a lot of things are covered.course needs an update. Really poorPresentationof the material although a lotNegative-0.850.00.80.8
SpO4HBnoEeWjrA6seF25aw I read some of the other reviews and feel I should comment on some of their criticisms. The material, objectives and tuition are top-notch. Yes there are things that are unclear and difficult and I you will need to read around the subjects introduced from other sources and persevere. But that is how you will learn and remember. So far I have yet to complete the course, I am about to start my 4th attempt, but I get a little further each time and the next presentation acts as revision initially. Daniel Eggar introduces key concepts that you need to master, this course is not spoon fed, but is better for it. If I have a criticism, perhaps the course is badly named, maybe it should be called "Core statistical concepts for data science using Excel"further each time and the nextPresentationacts as revision initially. Daniel EggarPositive0.961.01.151.25
SpO4HBnoEeWjrA6seF25aw I would have appreciated a bit more of a hands-on process in building the workbooks (with proper instruction of course) and more formal presentation of the formulas being used, but overall, I got a lot out of this course and enjoyed it along the way.instruction of course) and more formalPresentationof the formulas being used, butPositive0.840.51.151.25
SpO4HBnoEeWjrA6seF25aw Complex concepts (e.g., regression), which cannot be taught in such a short course format (I know from extensive prior training), are taught here in an arcane way. I don't know how students without prior knowledge on these topics (e.g., regression, ROC curve analysis) could possibly understand this when taught this way. Course is also in an 'early draft' mode, with plenty of mistakes in the videos/slides. The course (and specialization) really tarnishes - instead of enhancing - this institution's outside image and reputation. Really a deception; sorry I took this class and specialization, a complete waste of my time and money. The initial presentation was misleading (and I have found online many people sharing the same feeling).my time and money. The initialPresentationwas misleading (and I have foundNegative-1.0-
tWgmnb03EeS5IyIACyCAHg This course is not prepared as well. You see several video with animated presentation and typical (vocabulary) terms. It is not for beginners because in course you didn't find answers. It is not for pros because in course you didn't find interesting material. Hope that instructors can change course to better.You see several video with animatedPresentationand typical (vocabulary) terms. It isPositive0.78-
tWgmnb03EeS5IyIACyCAHg Too microsoft-oriented, too much reading (sometimes not very related to the topic) that is not unique and can be easily found on the internet without attending this course, not enough video presentations and explanations. Final exam seemed to me a bit out of topic.attending this course, not enough videoPresentationand explanations. Final exam seemed toNegative-0.910.00.80.9
tWgmnb03EeS5IyIACyCAHg Videos are very brief - slide presentations of course outline. One has to depend entirely on reading materials to understand the course.Videos are very brief - slidePresentationof course outline. One has toPositive0.83-
U-SKLJVlEeWF6gpQJiw6hQ The course covered the material thoroughly, but the presentation could be improved: 1. the examples, charts and other helpful aside additions could be left on screen during the relevant discussion. I often had to pause and go back to study the material that was only briefly displayed. 2. Using the screen for just a video of the lecturer speaking seems a waste of the many video techniques that could be included, with the lecturer in a small window at the side. 3. Although the lecturers tried not to favor one brand over another, at times it seemed like we were watching an infomercial. Maybe this can't be helped, as all the camera's features, and their accessories, were described in detail. I for one have a camera that I want to learn to use more professionally. Purchase suggestions could be moved to an addendum. In my opinion it should not be in the body of the course material. I am finding a lot of good information in the course, and am continuing with the second section. covered the material thoroughly, but thePresentationcould be improved: 1. the examples,Negative-0.810.00.890.98
U-SKLJVlEeWF6gpQJiw6hQ I rate this course highly although I only audited it. It turned out to be too basic for my needs. But the presentations were well made.basic for my needs. But thePresentationwere well made. Positive0.661.00.890.98
URpKtPs6EeSnBSIACi-PoQ Great content and presentation Great content andPresentation Positive0.691.00.880.97
URpKtPs6EeSnBSIACi-PoQ It is a course with lots of information but the delivery is a little weak. It is a presentation with an instructor in the corner but he or she mostly just reads the presentation aloud. There needs to be much more interaction, much more animation and passion, and the use of "real" people in a "real" environment. I can tell you that my mind wondered constantly because of the lack of passion and interest in the subject being conveyed by the presenter as well as the monotonous delivery. Again, the content is valuable and solid, but that in and of itself does not make for a good course.a little weak. It is aPresentationwith an instructor in the cornerPositive0.990.00.880.97
URpKtPs6EeSnBSIACi-PoQ It is a course with lots of information but the delivery is a little weak. It is a presentation with an instructor in the corner but he or she mostly just reads the presentation aloud. There needs to be much more interaction, much more animation and passion, and the use of "real" people in a "real" environment. I can tell you that my mind wondered constantly because of the lack of passion and interest in the subject being conveyed by the presenter as well as the monotonous delivery. Again, the content is valuable and solid, but that in and of itself does not make for a good course.or she mostly just reads thePresentationaloud. There needs to be muchNegative-0.740.00.880.97
v0l76HmGEeSi3yIACzSGcw A very practical course with many real life examples and case studies. Never boring and excellent presentation by the very experienced Prof. George Siedel. Thank you University of Michigan and Professor for giving me this opportunity to learn a very valuable studies. Never boring and excellentPresentationby the very experienced Prof. GeorgePositive0.911.00.761.18
v0l76HmGEeSi3yIACzSGcw Excellent presentation and planification, and very useful book from the teacher ExcellentPresentationand planification, and very useful bookPositive0.921.00.761.18
v0l76HmGEeSi3yIACzSGcw This course covers all the bases of general negotiation. The professor is well traveled and credentialed in his field and gives very frank, matter-of-fact presentations of the material. The only thing I would change about the course is that I would have periodic check-up quizzes to help the learner gauge his/her understanding.field and gives very frank, matter-of-factPresentationof the material. The only thingNegative-0.730.50.761.18
vrTPjkqzEeWB9g55-yieoQ An excellent course that covers the fundamental concepts for survey design and administration. The content was well structured and presentations and study material was rich and comprehensive. The content was well structured andPresentationand study material was rich andPositive0.821.01.271.27
vrTPjkqzEeWB9g55-yieoQ Bad quality slides and presentation. not possible to use headphone since it was on mono not stereo. Interesting topic but not well executed to fit online learning Bad quality slides andPresentationnot possible to use headphone sinceNegative-0.76-
VxTqEC8iEeWUWxIOAnoaFQ Challenging course offered balance of study and testing: 3 essays, 6 short tests and one final exam. The quality of interviews, study sources and presentation by professionals was second-to-none by Coursera standards. This course is demanding. If you take the course you need to have a background in tax or be prepared to study over 10 hours per week. If you follow the guidelines and substantial source documents and presentations you should be able to pass the course. More importantly, focusing on the issues, ways and means that global enterprises have benefited from weak tax treaties and domestic laws is an eye-opener. Every politician elected to public office should take this course. Very done! Leiden's Centre for International Tax Law is clearly a world leader in tax law study and assessment.quality of interviews, study sources andPresentationby professionals was second-to-none by CourseraNegative-0.761.00.871.18
VxTqEC8iEeWUWxIOAnoaFQ Excellent course, superb presentation, Leiden Law School proves they are best in world for International Tax. Excellent course, superbPresentationLeiden Law School proves they arePositive0.971.00.871.18
we5nljlYEeWO-Qq6rEZAow I was expecting a bit more after the great first course of this specialization. Although I enjoyed week 2 and 3 (would give 5 stars), and walk away with relevant information that I can implement in my work, I found week 1 and week 4 difficult to get through. Long lectures, not always relevant stories, a presentation style that did not speak to me, and a bit slow. Nonetheless, I still learned some interesting concepts and I am looking forward to course 3.lectures, not always relevant stories, aPresentationstyle that did not speak toPositive0.620.00.790.84
we5nljlYEeWO-Qq6rEZAow The course content was somewhat scattered and lacked focus. I think the whole topic of the talent pipeline was completely lacking structure and cohesiveness. Cheri's presentations were not as engaging as the others and her slides were poorly prepared - often difficult to read and not necessarily related to the topic at handcompletely lacking structure and cohesiveness. Cheri'sPresentationwere not as engaging as theNegative-0.98-0.50.790.84
we5nljlYEeWO-Qq6rEZAow One of the main presenters, who led about half of this course, would greatly benefit from an editor to help them organize their ideas. This, and a presentation style that made me feel "talked down to", similar to reading a story book to a small child, made comprehension of ideas frustratingly difficult. The content they were responsible for covering was why I signed up for a paid multi-course specialization. Though I learned lots of other things I'll no doubt find helpful, I did not walk away with the information I need the most. The other presenters were great, as usual, and presented their topics in a clear, concise manner.organize their ideas. This, and aPresentationstyle that made me feel "Positive0.75-0.50.790.84
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw This was a very baseline introduction and basically a summary of Pollan's books and ideology. The positive is that is was very accessible in time and presentation however provides little insight to inswas very accessible in time andPresentationhowever provides little insight to insPositive0.960.00.61.17
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw Very well presented course. To certain degree, the concepts are basic. If you're looking for a course that explains the physiological effects of sodium or the chemical reaction of glucose, this is not it. However, it gives sensible advice about how to eat well for a healthy life. I took away a number of good ideas. Also, the course helped me put into a wider context some things I already knew in a disjointed manner, which helped me to understand them better. Good structure, script, presentation (including interaction between the presenters), visuals... In summary, I feel following this course was time well spent.understand them better. Good structure, script,Presentation(including interaction between the presenters), visuals.Positive0.921.00.61.17
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw I liked everything about this course, from the presentation, to the method of teaching. It was great.everything about this course, from thePresentationto the method of teaching. ItNegative-
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw Excellent material and presentation. Excellent material andPresentation Positive0.751.00.61.17
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw Great information that is presented in short segments that highlight that topic. Very basic but good information that is a great refresher and good introduction to learning to eat healthier. Excellent presentation and enjoyable format. to learning to eat healthier. ExcellentPresentationand enjoyable format. Positive0.981.00.61.17
xMqZG1wyEeWd6BJKWlaBIw Great presentation of information. The course was exactly what I was looking for, very helpful. GreatPresentationof information. The course was exactlyPositive0.811.00.61.17
zKZY59dlEeSQOCIAC0ELFw Nothing really new. Very good for newbies in the field. Short and easy to handle presentations and topics. field. Short and easy to handlePresentationand topics. Positive0.89-
zKZY59dlEeSQOCIAC0ELFw Disappointing, not different from a class presentation, poor in content, lousy instructorDisappointing, not different from a classPresentationpoor in content, lousy instructor Negative-1.0-
zKZY59dlEeSQOCIAC0ELFw Really deep, summarized and very educative. I particularly like David's charismatic presentation.educative. I particularly like David's charismaticPresentation Positive0.951.01.121.16
_Mms-nE8EeWKsgrp3VnvAw Very well put together. Excellent videos and presentation of materials!well put together. Excellent videos andPresentationof materials! Positive1.
_Mms-nE8EeWKsgrp3VnvAw WoW awful presentation but great instructor. I expected much more than this but :( Leveraging employer brand is not compelete :\ WoW awfulPresentationbut great instructor. I expected muchNegative-0.95-
_UsmIV-PEeSnpyIACzWBsQ I have to admit, this course greatly disappointed me from the beginning. The main reason is its title; it should have been "Macroeconomics of the USA". The instructor focuses too heavily on the US economy, which is partially understandable due to its significance, but I personally got tired of the endless supply of facts (and opinions) about US Presidents and their choices on US Macroeconomic Policy over the last 80 years. Other than that, the main concepts of Macroeconomics are presented with adequate detail. I had very little background in Economics but managed to grasp them rather easily. The presentations are pretty dull, however, with the professor mainly reading through the slides (which mind you are NOT in downloadable form). All in all, it's not a bad course, but there is great room for grasp them rather easily. ThePresentationare pretty dull, however, with theNegative-0.840.00.951.12
_UsmIV-PEeSnpyIACzWBsQ The presentation is succinct and the course touches on all the key areas of macroeconomics. It would be great, however, if it were easier to review a completed quiz and find out why a wrong answer provided was incorrect. ThePresentationis succinct and the course touchesPositive0.761.00.951.12
_UsmIV-PEeSnpyIACzWBsQ Excellent course and presentation with basic to advance level of understanding. This has been a great help in thorough understanding of subject. Excellent course andPresentationwith basic to advance level ofPositive0.851.00.951.12
_UsmIV-PEeSnpyIACzWBsQ Presentation slides could've been better prepared. The quiz could've thrown the right answers after finishing. But it was very informative overall Presentationslides could've been better prepared. TheNegative-0.840.00.951.12
_UsmIV-PEeSnpyIACzWBsQ Clear and compelling presentation of complicated material which impacts my life on a daily basis. Find that I can actually critically understand the discussions and theories about the 2008 recession. Thirsting for more knowledge about macro and global economics. Clear and compellingPresentationof complicated material which impacts myPositive0.961.00.951.12